Debounce time + 0.0 slice can ignore entries

Isn’t that exactly the kind of thing that would be easier to keep track of elsewhere? As otherwise you are using a single dimension of data to store two discrete things (the location of transiets AND the boundaries of analysis (which further confuses the “everything is a buffer” problem outlined here))

I don’t understand this part. So does the initial boundary (0.) trigger the debounce timer or not? What do you do, if like in your example, there is DC offset at the start? Is that counted as a transient? If so, does it trigger the debounce timer?

To clarify my speculative problem:

I have a buffer with a transient that occurs at 1000 samples into the file, before that is absolute silence (no DC/hiss). I have the debounce set to @debounce 2000.

So does that transient get tracked, or is it locked out by the debounce timer?

Another example:

I have a buffer with a transient that occurs at 1000 samples into the file, before that is relative silence (maybe DC and/or hiss). I have the debounce set to @debounce 2000.

Does the DC/hiss get tracked as a transient? Would it be at position 0 samples? If so, does that mean that there are two entries that say 0 samples? (one for the boundary, and one for the first transient), and in this case, is the “actual” transient at 1000 samples locked out?