Descriptors comparison (oldschool vs newschool)

That’s great!

There should be stuff in the helpfiles for this, as that (potentially) solves many of the n amount of buffer~s problems, and after alpha02 my understanding was that polybuffer~s were a no-go zone.

Might be useful for @jamesbradbury’s problem with scalability in the thread about analyzing slices.

Yeah that makes sense, and doing this pseudo-realtime/JIT stuff is just something I nabbed from @tremblap as a way to being more precise with analysis frames/windows for realtime purposes. But it is actually a real-time process that I’m after.

Something like your (“deep fake”!) screenshot would work well, but is pretty different from a conceptual standpoint to how things presently work in the fluid.-verse.

And if there’s a click~ triggering it, it could (hopefully) theoretically not be limited to a hop’s worth of resolution and also account for different @fftsettings per descriptor type.

I remember ages ago asking for something similar for fluid.nmfmatch~ where you could be very precise about returning a single frame of analysis based on an onset.

There would be tons of uses for this “real-time-but-only-when-you-ask-for-it” type workflow, which would alleviate all the potential issues/problems with the buf stuff.

Totes, that would be great. And obviously makes lots more sense for real-time stuff.