Internal/random buffer~ creation ala ears.stuff~

Whoops, my bad. Yeah you’re right. I guess, either way, I tend to get hung up on the sample count rather than the channel count.

Indeed. I’ll start having a think about this, but this is very much starting to overlap with the stuff being discussed in this thread. Off the top of my head, an abstraction where you define each descriptor along with what stats you want for it (similar to descriptors~) would be quite convenient: centroid 500 10000 mean min max 0.95 std etc…

That could get messy quickly if you want the same stats for loads of descriptors, or if, by default, you want “everything”, as that would get really verbose.

Another alternative would be to have content-aware labels for where you can give it an attributes or tickboxes for whether it’s dealing with spectral descriptors, or stats, or x amount of derivatives, and then you can be verbose with it: @source source @destination destination @descriptors centroid flatness rolloff @statistics mean min max. Or something like that.