Interesting. On the short time scale there’s only 7 frames, and they all tend to have something. I even spent a bit over hour yesterday massaging the JIT analysis frame recording to make sure I capture as much of the attack (and tail) as possible. In the end I went with 16 samples before the onset was detected, and that seemed to work the best. Visualizing and browsing the clustering post UMAP is what I used to here to assess the effectiveness. (You had suggested something similar ages ago, but other than comparing raw matching %, I had no meaningful way of knowing whether it was working).
This too is interesting. I was exploring some pre-decomposed analysis stuff last year and got really good and promising results. I just got slowed down on that by the amount of HD (and RAM) required. That could connect nicely with a decomposed input analysis as that could fork off there.
I hadn’t really considered doing this as a denoise-ing thing though.
I guess this will be an interesting thing to try, vs the UMAP I’m using for timbre at the moment. We’ll geek later this week and see how this goes.