Training for real-time NMF (fluid.nmfmatch~)

Correct. I just did this to make it clear and possibly useable in another context where you do need that info.

The whole debounce issue is another kettle of fish which can be addressed over there but an interesting find nonetheless.

I ran into similar problems while building the patch and I’m not sure what caused it. At first it seemed to be related to @maxrank on nmfmatch~ requiring that it be set to the at least the amount of buffers inside the master buffer containing the multichannel storage of $1_nmf_filter buffers.

Multiple data sets for each hit could be interesting. One strategy (that definitely is not suited to this patch) is to have a training phase where you hit multiple times and it averages out the nmf_filter buffers. They should all be the same length and so the math would be quite easy. Perhaps this is another application for fluid.bufcompose~ @tremblap ?