1.0.7 Release notes
New Features
- all: fluid.dataset has a kNearestDist (in brute force) to match the kNearest(bruteforce) - use with caution!
- core: new C++ example on how to use the framework
- max: new nmf examples
- max: fluid.jit.plotter (thanks to @balintlaczko !)
- pd: video tutorial patch example folder
Breaking Changes
- all: fluid.normalise initialises properly from load (will break code that ‘thought’ the output range was saved)
- all: buf slicers will behave as if padded by digital silence (will break slices that didn’t)
- SC: FluidSineFeatures output array of arrays is the right shape - that’ll break previous code which relied on a single array
- pd: removed the xy.pd abstraction that broke with Pd 0.54
Notable Fixes…
- All: envelopes in AmpGate AmpFeature and AmpSlice behave the same all the time
- Pd: the plotter is now much, much faster - and has new options as it is native in C and Tcl/TK
…and many smaller bug & typo fixes!
thanks - I forwarded to Cycling so it should be in the package manager soon - I know your package depends on it (and bug fixessss)
please let me know if there is anything wrong. I’ve do tests but nothing beats many-many-cadences (to quote Sky)
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Will do.I’ve been using the beta 1.0.7 as my daily driver since the nightly (including this workshop/tour thing) and no issues have come up (so far).
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for Max and SC there have been no change since the nightlies of the 1st of March so it feels pretty solid. Pd gave me a few surprises but that was for the best
now I’m working on 1.0.8’s main features and hope to release sooner than in 12 months famous last words
1.0.9 might exist or not depending on @a.harker and @rodrigo.constanzo but the latter doesn’t know
1.1 is the big one with time series but we’re still pushing stuff around to see how to make it work for real - at the moment fighting dataseries and datasets cohabitating.
here we go, youknow my timeline. notice, no times beside it though
it is all from last summer internship that pushed stuff forward…
(ok sorry for the emorjy)
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It is now live in the said Package Manager. Let me know if anything isn’t working as expected.