We will release the five ‘official’ first pieces that made the gig of last month on the project’s Youtube channel… and some explanations from the plenary we held around it too. I’ll update this thread with each new releases, but for now, there is an overview video made by the very talented Angela Guyton here: https://youtu.be/3GqYFDB425k
These videos look so fucking good. Sorry for the profanity but they do some serious justice for anyone who wasn’t around to experience plenary + concert. Amazing! Any chance the other pieces will be hearable somewhere?
All pieces have a similar “Ang-style” video… they are all great To respect the BBC’s first diffusion, we will publish them all a week after their airing… but if I don’t get dates for the other 3 soon from them soon I might decide to be naughty
We will also publish the 5 talks given explaining the ‘traces of fluid decomposition’ in their works.
Better late than never, my piece (which was played 2 days before in another gig but is part of the ‘first cohort’) is now launched this week. There are 2 online versions as well, one of which was made public today here. I’ve also added my talk to the list Traces of Fluid Decomposition so the curious ones could listen to the 6 pieces and their respective talks.
OK now that’s it, the 2nd version of my piece is public. This is the real premiere, 2 days before the other 5 pieces above… speaking of which, I wish we had recorded 2 versions of each of these 5 pieces too to be honest, there is so much to learn when comparing them - I’m lucky I heard the sound-checks