Actually, 4 object, but 3 new functions
I hope you enjoy
change log:
Alpha-05: yet more new cool objects
date: 9 May 2019
New Objects:
- bufSpectralShape: the buffer version of the same object
- NMFFilter: running real-time nmf on seeding bases passed as a buffer
- Pitch/BufPitch: pitch and confidence descriptor (3 different algorithms)
New Features:
- (MAX) reset message in buf* objects now reset to instantiation values rather than defaults
- (CLI) basic help is working (-h) to read the name of the parameters
Bug Fixes:
- (SC) fftSize below 4 are now rejected as advertised
- (SC) fixed the error handling of all buf* objects - getting a useful message instead of errors on the error string
Known Bugs:
- MAX+CLI: buf* will be capped by maxfftsize default
- HPSS: percussive filter above 35 generate noises and glitches
- (buf)transient will hang the application if the order is set too high
- small noise when starting fft processes, sometimes (hard to reproduce)