An interesting discussion on AI in music

@weefuzzy and @groma have told me stuff along those lines for 2 years now, and I said similar things in a plenary in London a month ago, but always good to be reminded, in face of the hype, what things are and aren’t.


Interesting (quick) read.

Indeed, it’s a useful paradigm to consider. I guess the interface/implementation and therefor ‘friction’ fo a human “in the loop” system is “a whole thing” into itself though. Makes me think of Bret Victor’s awesome talk(s), which are worth checking out if you haven’t seen:

(it’s worth jumping around and seeing how the interactive examples work)


And as a more depressing aside, this kind of language:

But I believe this vision of robot musicians and philosophers suggests we have a deeper question to answer first: which values should guide it?

totally makes me think of some of the scandals that are presently consuming a lot of these kinds of research institutions.

It’s hopeful (and perhaps naive) to view these research institutions as being independent of the culture that produces these horrifying monsters, but research is often a manifestation of culture, and culture “trickles down”.

(I tried finding another article I read on this, talking about how MIT has this amazing brain pool and promise, but in the end so much of the tech ends up driving advertising, consumer-facing ML, weapons/defense stuff, etc…)

Looks like their hearts are in the right place. They basically had the question that Ge Wang warned of - when will AI replace humans. Seems like a silly question to me. It will replace us when we stop making art or when it makes better art than us, meaning it invents new things better than us. Then we basically have the terminator, so…

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Haha. Did the brilliant AI of discourse put my answer here instead of in the MIMIC thread? I will keep my answer here to prove a point.

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It is but you would be surprised how much (reactioary) anxiety and (techno over enthusiastic positivist) idealism it actually raise… you can check that online easily, and I’m often confronted to them… what is hard is the find the sweet spot. Our project tries with mid-level empowerment, some are higher level (blackboxy) and some a lower level (python or deeper) but to try to give ownership and agency to (sensitive, idiosyncratic) artists is a hard question…

Hi all!
I haven’t been active on this forum, but I do read the threads every now and again.
Recently, a colleague from my masters program shared this talk by Fraçois Pachet, and I got reminded of this thread here.

His thinking seems to be quite in line with the human-in-the-loop approach, at least his work in Flow Machines, and found his point on popularity (at around min 14) very interesting…

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