Analyzing global loudness + classify live recordings?


Indeed. 2 things really quickly now and a few questions:

fluid.bufloudness~ will give you the EBU loudness in LU as a time series in a new buffer.
fluid.bufstats~ will give you all the stats you can dream off.

A combination of these 2 will give you what you need.

This is harder but possible. It depends on your signal, and how long you analyse for, and what you want to consider ‘music’. The same princinple apply: fluid.buf* where * is a descriptor will help you by giving the time series. you can then get the bufstats on them, and decide your valid stats (mean, std dev, median, centiles, etc)

If you define the type of signal you imply by words/music/noise then I might be able to help. The best way I found to get a feeling of which machine listening feature / descriptor works well for a task is to look at the time series vs the signal and compare. @amundsen shared a cool patch to do that here

More later

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