I’m looking for clever simple teaching material for (ear-based) studio techniques - this series is very good - basic but nothing stupid, some anchor in psychoacoustics, and some very clear down to earth tips and wisdom that are very good practice.
I’m looking for clever simple teaching material for (ear-based) studio techniques - this series is very good - basic but nothing stupid, some anchor in psychoacoustics, and some very clear down to earth tips and wisdom that are very good practice.
I also like this series from iZotope but it might be above beginner’s listening and mixing skills
This is quite cool too.
Indeed - I’ve finished them all (only EQs have exams). That’s the way I got to the other series. A conclusion from the exams: at the highest level, you test as much your listening environment than your ears. I could do them much better in a calibrated studio than on my headphone, and each uncalibrated settings (headphone, rooms, etc) had its registerer problems (I could not hear difference at a given range as it was altogether absent!) It might be obvious, but that is vindicating my (Katz-induced-) obsession with calibration
quite a good myth buster on linear phase vs minimum phase here: