Hi there-
I’ve been looking at the Batch-Slicing tutorial - and this SuperCollider example in particular.
I had two questions about it, for those who might have more expertise.
- In the example above, the process produces a dataset, 24 rows by 1 column.
When calling “print” on the DataSet, though, it only prints an abbreviated version of the DataSet:
DataSet 2448:
rows: 24 cols: 1
0 3626.8
1 8345.6
2 8443.8
21 3379.5
22 2943.1
23 3580.3
I’d like to get a full report of the dataset, if possible.
- I’d like to use the values reported - in this case, spectral centroid means - in order to name files exported from this process.
I’m adding the following bit of code on line 61 - but I know it is not right, since ‘sliceMean’ refers to a buffer until it is somehow converted to a number in the dataset. I’d like to get that number directly at that stage, if possible.
FluidBufCompose.processBlocking(s, drum,
startFrame: start,
numFrames: numSamps,
dest.write("/Users/a/Desktop/sctest/" ++ "ex" ++ sliceIndex.asInteger ++ "__" ++ sliceMean ++ ".aif");