Beta01 is here!

Dear all

Many bugs are sorted. Many typos too. Not all but I do hope you enjoy this update!


beta-01: some fixes and more

date: 26 August 2019

New Features:

  • (Pd) all helpfiles now completed (except a few stereo examples of fluid.buf* objects - placeholders are empty [pd] patchers)
  • (max) clickable overview

Bug Fixes:

  • (max) hpss help of maskingmode 1 and 2 sorted
  • (max) bufpitch help is resizing
  • strange communication between instances of bufnmf~ now zapped
  • (pd) sample rate of buf* descriptor objects is now assumed (see helpfiles of bufPitch, bufMFCC, bufMelbands, bufSpectralShape)
  • (pd) crash on some patches closings now should all be zapped
  • (linux) strange names of Pd and Linux now sorted
  • no more NaNs and crashes with edge cases and digital silence on NMF !
  • HPSS does not crackle on param changes anymore
  • BufOnsetSlice accepts all values for maxFFTSize without crashing
  • (Pd) now gives a decent error when not providing enough ‘channels’ in ‘multichannel’ arrays instead of crashing

Known Bugs:

  • BufNoveltySlice might generate garbage strange values in the first frame
  • AmpSlice is noisy when some parameters are changed

You should sticky post whatever the current release is.

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the fact they accuse you (and me) of being old fashion is funny:

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