MAX+PD fluid.buf2list and fluid.list2buf are now compiled objects. Be aware of their new attributes in Max
SC: FluidBufToKr and FluidKrToBuf pseudo-Ugens help with the dataset to descriptor to dataset workflow
New Sounds
trombone long tones, and oboe multiphonics, now included.
Interfaces and Behaviours
FluidMFCC has a new attribute: “startCoef” which modifies which coefficients are returned by the algorithm. A common use case is to discard the first coefficient.
MAX+PD: All data objects can be named to share persistent state. For example, fluid.kdtree~ my-tree in Max can be used everywhere throughout a patch to reference the same k-d tree named my-tree.
Improved performance with FluidAmpGate
Crashes caused by (tapin - tapout == 0) on FluidMLP
Crashes caused by when loading MLP models from JSON
FluidLoudness no longer spikes to the maximum on digital silence
Many other fixes, see the git log for details.
BREAKING: BufSelectEvery’s method channelhopis now chanhopto be consistent
Compilation on Arch Linux is now made possible again by fixing linking against the cutting edge of Boost.
Building no longer uses AVX instructions by default to allow for an easier experience compiling for M1 Mac and ARM processors.
Actually, Max+Pd, please hold on a little - there is a bug we obviously discovered just after releasing… read below… SC, go ahead and have fun without restraint!
Let’s call it a ‘surprising feature’ - the new ‘named object’ paradigm, which is great, will break patches which have more than one ‘unnamed’ object of the same class. This is only true for Max and Pd.
There are so many fun things to try, I’ll leave the release up for now, until I’m told off by @weefuzzy
I went through all 5 stages of coding grief in about 5 seconds. A simple but stupid mistake that is now fixed… I can send you the unbroken code if you’re keen but it may be simpler to just hang on.
It should be as simple as fluid.bufmfcc~ 12 @startcoeff 1 (the argument denotes the maximum possible number of coefficients, so effectively caps @numcoeffs)