Class "interpolation" (distance to classes)

Surely there’s a better way to do this, but I’ve:

  • unpacked fluid.dataset~ / fluid.labelset~ to dicts
  • dict.unpack data: just to get the data bits
  • push_to_coll to move into coll-land
  • use the label coll to fork the MFCC coll into a separate coll per class
  • pull_from_coll back into dict-land and load into fluid.dataset~s (one per class)
  • tobuffer the fluid.dataset~s to get them into buffer~s
  • fluid.bufstats~ to get the means per column (now channels)
  • fluid.buf2list @axis 1 to get the mean of each class

What a journey!

I could probably skip the coll stuff and operate on the dict versions, I just know the coll syntax offhand so did stuff there. But it was quite a tour the fluid.objects~ to do this!