Creative coding meets orchestration via custom descriptor

Dear all

On his Facebook feed (and on the SuperCollider feed) @andrea.valle is always an immense source of inspiration. Last night he posted this film where he analyzes a punk rock song intro and transcribes it for chamber orchestra, via a personal assignation and a piano model. It is very creative, and very fun to watch, and very context dependant, very ‘human in the loop’ and much fun and fluid.

when I asked him about using melbands instead of fft, he pointed at this piano model he used:

and then it got my brains on fire. imagine, we could try this with the 88-bases piano transcription example of the first toolbox… and the melbands idea is still fun… so the idea of describing/segmenting/cutting contextually is really inspiring in this example!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Happy Valley Band is the extreme version of this, played by real people:


this is something!

This is great. Fortuitously I have seen this while I’m writing a section in my dissertation on computer-led/interactive/corpus-based orchestration. Do you mind if I somehow cite + include it? Perhaps we can get in touch @andrea.valle if you’re open to allowing me to do this.

@jamesbradbury sure! You can find me via email, or if you need we can (video)chat