Default numcoeffs for 'fluid.bufmfcc~' and 'fluid.mfcc~'

Hello !

A tiny detail with ‘fluid.bufmfcc~’ and ‘fluid.mfcc~’:

I forgot to set numcoeffs as a first argument believing the attrui was indicating the right default value. I got the maximum of possible coefficients which is 40. Logic.

But when numcoeffs is not specified, the attrui does not indicate the default value 40 and is wrong. Changing the latter does not change anything. Same thing with messages. I wonder if that is not on Max’s side.

Not a big deal though…


I think there is a misunderstanding:

  • the first argument is the maximum number of coefficients (maxNumCoeff)
  • the number of actually returned coefficients is numCoeff

For bufMFCC this is bad and we know and @weefuzzy knows that the framework eventually needs to make them the same but for the realtime version that makes more sense: you define your memory and the number of elements of your output setting the Max but you can modulate in real-time the number you actually get, and the rest is made up of 0s. This allows for more fluid explorations than reinstantiation.

I hope it makes sense,

It does make sense !! :star_struck:

Thank you !