Dump of MFCCs plot MAX_MSP/M4L

Is there a way to create, in MAX MPS/ M4L, a dump of all the XY locations of the plotted MFCCs in the order they were analyzed?
For example:

File_1: X1, Y1
File_2: X2, Y2
.File_n: Xn, Yn


Can I get a bit more context? If you’re plotting the MFCCs, then presumably you’ve got some dimension reduction going on too: [mfccs] -> [dimension reduction] -> [plot]?

Sure, I’m using the pre-made example that comes with the glaucoma module in M4L, which is a collection of sub-patches, but this one is the core sub-patch that does the analyzing:

The ‘corpus-explorer’ example? That can be reworked to give the info you want, if I understand correctly.

The example currently discards all the file name information (which comes out of [fluid.concataudiofiles] as a [dict]), and just uses the [counter] in your screenshot above to assign each discovered slice of the great-big-buffer an integer ID. However, one could hold on to that [dict], and instead use the original filename as the ID (or part of it). If all your files are single hits, then you could also get rid of the slicing part of the example and just average the features over a whole file instead.

At that point, the [dict] that gets sent to fluid.plotter is actually in the format you want: the IDs and their corresponding coordinates.

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I think I have reached the limit of my understanding of how this extension works :sweat_smile:

Ha, not to worry – that’s one of the more complex examples!

Happy to either talk you through things or knock up a modification based on what you’re trying to do, if you still have the appetite.

Sure thing, but I’ll try something first and see how that pans out. But most surely ill come back again around this post with my tail between my legs rofl :rofl:

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