Example 8c (autoencoderquery) now update for SuperCollider

OK now I can be in holidays, I’m done with the porting of example 8c in verbose, which also shows good user of denormalisation.

I hope you enjoy!


//Preliminaries: we want some audio, a couple of FluidDataSets, some Buffers
~raw = FluidDataSet(s,\Mel40);
~norm = FluidDataSet(s,\Mel40n);
~retrieved = FluidDataSet(s,\ae2);
~audio = Buffer.read(s,File.realpath(FluidBufMelBands.class.filenameSymbol).dirname +/+ "../AudioFiles/Tremblay-ASWINE-ScratchySynth-M.wav");
~melfeatures = Buffer.new(s);
~stats = Buffer.alloc(s, 7, 40);
~datapoint = Buffer.alloc(s, 40);
~queryPoint = Buffer.alloc(s, 2);
~dQueryPoint = Buffer.alloc(s, 2);
~dpN =Buffer.alloc(s, 40);
~dpMLPn =Buffer.alloc(s, 40);
~dpMLP =Buffer.alloc(s, 40);

// process the melbands
FluidBufMelBands.process(s,~audio, features: ~melfeatures,action: {\done.postln;});

// Divide the time series in 100, and take the mean of each segment and add this as a point to the 'raw' FluidDataSet
	var trig = LocalIn.kr(1, 1);
	var buf =  LocalBuf(40, 1);
	var count = PulseCount.kr(trig) - 1;
	var chunkLen = (~melfeatures.numFrames / 100).asInteger;
	var stats = FluidBufStats.kr(source: ~melfeatures, startFrame: count * chunkLen, numFrames: chunkLen, stats: ~stats, trig: trig, blocking: 1);
	var rd = BufRd.kr(40, ~stats, DC.kr(0), 0, 1);
	var bufWr, dsWr;
		bufWr = BufWr.kr(rd[i], buf, DC.kr(i));
	dsWr = FluidDataSetWr.kr(~raw, buf: buf, trig: Done.kr(stats));
	LocalOut.kr( Done.kr(dsWr));
	FreeSelf.kr(count - 99);
// wait for the post window to acknoledge the job is done. Check the dataset if curious (loads of small numbers)

// normalize the input
~normalizer = FluidNormalize(s);
~norm.print; //a more decent range

//we can then run the AE - the server might become yellow :)
~mlp = FluidMLPRegressor(s,[9,2,9],activation: 1,outputActivation: 1,tapIn: 0,tapOut: 2,maxIter: 10000,learnRate: 0.1,momentum: 0.1,batchSize: 10,validation: 0.1);
~mlp.fit(~norm,~norm,{|x|x.postln;});// run this a few times, until you are happy with the error

//we can then retrieve the hidden layer #2 because of the tapOut parameter

//check the structure of retrieved

//let's normalise it for display
~normData = FluidDataSet(s,\ae2N);
~reducedarray = Array.new(100);
~normalView = FluidNormalize(s,0.1,0.9);
~normalView.fitTransform(~retrieved,~normData, action:{
	~normData.dump{|x| 100.do{|i|

//make a basic KD tree to retrieve the nearest entry in 2D
~kdtree = FluidKDTree(s,numNeighbours: 1);

//prepare the normalizers and the neural net for inverse query
~normalView.invert = 1;
~normalizer.invert = 1;
~mlp.tapIn = 2;
~mlp.tapOut = -1;

//Visualise and query the 2D projection of our original 40D data
var w,v,myx,myy,vRNN, vRN, vMN, vM;

~arrayRawNn = Array.new(40);
~arrayRawN = Array.new(40);
~arrayMLPn = Array.new(40);
~arrayMLP = Array.new(40);

//initialise the mouse position holder

w = Window("AutoEncoder", Rect(64, 64, 770, 270));
v = View.new(w,Rect(0,0, 310, 310));

vRNN = MultiSliderView(w,Rect(270,8,240,115)).value_(~arrayRawNn).readOnly_(true).elasticMode_(1).isFilled_(true);
vRN = MultiSliderView(w,Rect(270,147,240,115)).value_(~arrayRawN).readOnly_(true).elasticMode_(1).isFilled_(true);
vMN = MultiSliderView(w,Rect(520,10,240,115)).value_(~arrayMLPn).readOnly_(true).elasticMode_(1).isFilled_(true);
vM = MultiSliderView(w,Rect(520,147,240,115)).value_(~arrayMLP).readOnly_(true).elasticMode_(1).isFilled_(true);

StaticText(w,Rect(275,120,490,30)).string_("above: normalised nearest neighbour\nbelow: original nearest neighbour").font_(Font("Monaco", 10));
StaticText(w,Rect(525,120,490,30)).string_("above: regressed values at coordinates\nbelow: denormalised regressed values").font_(Font("Monaco", 10));

//creates a function that reacts to mousedown
v.mouseMoveAction = {|view, x, y|
		~queryPoint.setn(0,([myx,myy] - 10 / 250));//set the query point to the coordinate
		~kdtree.kNearest(~queryPoint, action: {|nearest| //retrieve the nearest point
			~norm.getPoint(nearest, ~dpN, action: { //get the normalised 40d
				~raw.getPoint(nearest, ~datapoint, action: { // get the original 40d
					~normalView.transformPoint(~queryPoint, ~dQueryPoint, action: { //denormalise the 2d coordinate to get the right range of values for the MLP
						~mlp.predictPoint(~dQueryPoint, ~dpMLPn, action:  { //predict from the middle (2d) to the normalised output (40d)
							~normalizer.transformPoint(~dpMLPn, ~dpMLP, action:  { //denormalised the 40d
								~datapoint.getn(0,40,{|x|~arrayRawN = x; //retrieve the nearest
									~dpN.getn(0,40,{|x|~arrayRawNn = x; // retrieve the normalised nearest
										~dpMLPn.getn(0,40,{|x|~arrayMLPn = x; //retrieve the predicted normalised 40d
											~dpMLP.getn(0,40,{|x|~arrayMLP = x; //retrieve the denormalised predicted 40d
												AppClock.sched(0,{ // update the visualisation of the 4 arrays
													vRN.value=~arrayRawN * 15;
													vM.value=~arrayMLP * 15;
//custom redraw function
w.drawFunc = {
	Pen.use {
			var coord = (~reducedarray[i] * 250) + 7;
			var r = Rect(coord[0],coord[1],6,6);
			Pen.fillColor = Color.blue;
	Pen.color = Color.red;
	Pen.addOval(Rect(myx-4, myy-4,8,8));
	Pen.color = Color.black;

obviously @tedmoore and @spluta you have managed to do that and more already now that it took me so much time to convert it to SC but hey, feel free to propose improvement to my modest SC style…