Hello all,
after getting acquainted and having decomposed and sliced sound into buffers/files, what would be a recommendable next step to create corpora and explore patterns and/or (spectral) relations within their elements in SC ?
Hello all,
after getting acquainted and having decomposed and sliced sound into buffers/files, what would be a recommendable next step to create corpora and explore patterns and/or (spectral) relations within their elements in SC ?
Hi @jan,
I would recommend checking out this sequence of files. Some of it will already be familiar to you, and some may be new. Let me know if this is the kind of thing youāre looking for and what questions you have!
01_buf_slice.scd (1.4 KB)
02_buf_slice_analysis_sort.scd (1.9 KB)
03_buf_slice_analysis_2D_plot.scd (2.6 KB)
04_buf_slice_analysis_2D_plot_kdtree.scd (6.8 KB)
05_buf_slice_analysis_2D_plot_kdtree_umap.scd (3.5 KB)
Thank you @tedmoore, this looks like very valuable learning material! I will look into it and report back as i get along!
After trying out the examples, and playing with especially the fifth, a few questions:
Sticking to FluidBufMFCC as analysis, what do X and Y Axis in the plotter represent?
By what sound criteria do the clusters get organized in this case?
How could one effectively use this data re-arrangement to, for example, render clusters/groups of N nearest neighbours without a Plotter ( e.g. in NRT)?
Can one save these DataSets so not to have to repeat the analysis process (especially of larger files)?
Its really quite wonderful to delve into this approach!!
to specify the third question: could the kd tree visualization be used to navigate the corpus out of which elements/clusters are selected and given as input (recording the indices to new buffer?) to another synth?
Hi @jan. Great questions.
When looking at a 2 dimensional space that is the output of UMAP, neither dimension, x or y, represent anything āhuman readableā. They arenāt any particular dimensions from the analysis. If you want the XY dimensions to refer to analysis dimensions, use these files up through file ā04ā.
This is a good next question. As I said above, X and Y here are not āhuman readableā in anyway, however what UMAP does is organizes all of the data points (sound slices) into this 2D space so that the sound analyses that are similar to each other will be near to each other in 2D space. So sound slices that have similar MFCC analyses should be near each other in this space. This is really useful because the MFCC analysis is in 13 dimensions and thatās really not possible to visualize, so UMAP helps!
You can call the method kNearest
on the FluidKDTree just like is done in these files and that will give you the nearest neighbor to playback, or use otherwise. You can also ask for more neighbors than just the 1 nearest (specified when you create the create the object).
Note that this neighbor search could be done in the 2D of the UMAP output (as in the files) or even in the 13 dimensions of the MFCCs.
For clustering, check out KMeans, which again could happen in the 2D space output of UMAP or the 13 dimensions of MFCCs.
Just to be extra clear, the 2D visualization in file ā05ā is the output of UMAP. The KDTree is just used to look up the nearest point to the mouse in the 2D space.
Iād be curious to hear more about what youāre looking to do here. Perhaps the short answer is that the FluidPlotter has a mouseMoveAction
gets passed as arguments: the plotter, mouse x, mouse y, modifier keys, button number, and click count. You could keep track of some of this info along with the nearest neighbors and put it into buffers or wherever will be useful for you!
Absolutely. Use the write
method to save to disk and the read
method to read from disk. This is true for all the Fluid data objects (KDTree, KMeans, Standardize, etc.).
Let me know if those answers are useful, and what other questions they may bring up!
Hi @tedmoore,
thank you for the explanations, that really clarifies a few things to me!
Regarding the specification i basically followed an intuition that would offer a flexible workflow using these tools, for example:
assuming an Umap visualisation where 8 clusters are quite distinct iād wish to be able to select a cluster with lets say 100 points, which could be read in some sequence by an Ugen using range 1-100 in this case. another variation would be to be able to read through the clusters sequentially, so that no point of the same cluster is read before moving through the other 7.
so generally the idea would be to make accessible the data of āmeaningful segmentsā (e.g. the clusters themselves as they prove to be āmeaningfulā through similarity) provided perceptually through the visualisation to the reading flexibility that is offered by Ugens (instead of mouse actions).
I hope that makes the intention more clear?
Thanks so much, also for encouraging the inquiry!
Having looked into Kmeans it seems that it would possibly substitute the manual selecting of clusters i was aiming at for the sake of visual overview (which is quite nice to navigate really). Whats not entirely clear to me if whether the amount of clusters depend on the differentiation of timbres through analysis of the sound source?
Adapting the aforementioned example i would seek to achieve getting N clusters with X points (maybe even ordered by some criteria like centroid on both scales, within and among the clusters themselves) that could be easily accessed server side in a synth.
I find the possibilities these tools offer really incredible, but still find myself quite overwhelmed by the complexity of the analysis procedures they requireā¦
Hello @jan!
Great questions.
Yes. These ideas are totally doable with the tools. Youāre probably right to be looking at KMeans to find these clusters. You can get the output of KMeans predictions (which is written into a FluidLabelSet) and then sort by cluster that way.
The number of clusters (the āKā in KMeans) is totally determined by the user. Looking at the UMAP and thinking of what number you think you see is a good starting point for estimating how many clusters you should ask for.
One thing to keep in mind is that the KMeans algorithm doesnāt at all try to keep the number of points in each cluster equal. In fact, KMeans can end up with clusters that have zero points! If this is the case, FluidKMeans will give a warning in the post window.
Another thing to consider is whether you want to do the KMeans clustering on the output of UMAP (in the 2 dimensional space) or on the MFCC analysis itself (in 13 dimensional space). Youāll get different results, so a good approach is seeing which one is more musically meaningful to you and going with that!
Yep. This is totally doable. In this case, it seems like you might be wanting to put playback info into a buffer (like where the slice starts and how long it is) and then read out that information on the server. Once you get your clusters and such sorted in a way that is useful, I can help brainstorm how it might be played back!
Thank you for pioneering on! Your questions are very helpful for us to see what kinds of things users want to do and what kinds of things are challenging to achieve! Also, it helps us populate this Discourse with useful questions and answers and examples!
// 1. Load a folder of sounds
~folder_path = FluidFilesPath();
~loader = FluidLoadFolder(~folder_path);
"loaded % soundfiles".format(~loader.index.size).postln;
// 2. mono-ize
~mono_buf = Buffer(s);
// 3. Slice
~indices = Buffer(s);
"% slices found".format(~indices.numFrames).postln;
"average duration in seconds: %".format(~mono_buf.duration/~indices.numFrames).postln;
// 4. Analyze
var feature_buf = Buffer(s);
var stats_buf = Buffer(s);
var point_buf = Buffer(s);
~ds = FluidDataSet(s);
arg fa;
arg start, end, i;
var num = end - start;
if(i % 100 == 1,{s.sync});
"% / % done".format(i+1,~indices.numFrames-1).postln;
// 5. Reduce to 2 Dimensions using UMAP
var umap = FluidUMAP(s,2);
~ds_umap = FluidDataSet(s);
// perform umap
umap.fitTransform(~ds,~ds_umap,{"umap complete".postln});
// 6. plot and make sound
var kdtree = FluidKDTree(s);
var buf_2d = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
var scaler = FluidNormalize(s);
~ds_norm = FluidDataSet(s);
// whatever the output of umap is, scale it to be between 0 and 1 so that it will look nice in the plotter
arg dict;
var previous, fp;
fp = FluidPlotter(bounds:Rect(0,0,800,800),dict:dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y;
[x,y].postln; // get the (normalized) x, y position of the mouse and...
buf_2d.setn(0,[x,y]); // load it into a buffer so that...
kdtree.kNearest(buf_2d,{ // it can be passed to the kdtree to find hte nearest neighbour, which is reported back...
arg nearest; // here
if(previous != nearest,{ // only if it is a "new" nearest neighbour, should it make sound
var index = nearest.asString.split($-)[1].asInteger; // peel off the index of the slice
previous = nearest;
"nearest point is: %".format(nearest).postln;
var startPos = Index.kr(~indices,index); // look up the start position
var dur_samps = Index.kr(~indices,index + 1) - startPos; // calculate the duration in samples
// play the buffer starting from the start position
var sig = PlayBuf.ar(1,~mono_buf,BufRateScale.ir(~mono_buf),startPos:startPos);
var dur_sec = dur_samps / BufSampleRate.ir(~mono_buf);
var env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0,1,1,0],[0.03,dur_sec-0.06,0.03]),doneAction:2);
sig.dup * env;
// 7. Cluster the UMAP output and display it with clusters in the Plotter
var kdtree = FluidKDTree(s);
var buf_2d = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
var scaler = FluidNormalize(s);
~labels = FluidLabelSet(s);
FluidKMeans(s,8).fitPredict(~ds_umap,~labels,{"kmeans complete".postln});
// whatever the output of umap is, scale it to be between 0 and 1 so that it will look nice in the plotter
~ds_norm = FluidDataSet(s);
arg dict;
var previous, fp;
fp = FluidPlotter(bounds:Rect(0,0,800,800),dict:dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y;
[x,y].postln; // get the (normalized) x, y position of the mouse and...
buf_2d.setn(0,[x,y]); // load it into a buffer so that...
kdtree.kNearest(buf_2d,{ // it can be passed to the kdtree to find hte nearest neighbour, which is reported back...
arg nearest; // here
if(previous != nearest,{ // only if it is a "new" nearest neighbour, should it make sound
var index = nearest.asString.split($-)[1].asInteger; // peel off the index of the slice
previous = nearest;
"nearest point is: %".format(nearest).postln;
var startPos = Index.kr(~indices,index); // look up the start position
var dur_samps = Index.kr(~indices,index + 1) - startPos; // calculate the duration in samples
// play the buffer starting from the start position
var sig = PlayBuf.ar(1,~mono_buf,BufRateScale.ir(~mono_buf),startPos:startPos);
var dur_sec = dur_samps / BufSampleRate.ir(~mono_buf);
var env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0,1,1,0],[0.03,dur_sec-0.06,0.03]),doneAction:2);
sig.dup * env;
arg labels_dict;
// 8. Cluster the MFCCs output and display it with clusters in the Plotter
var kdtree = FluidKDTree(s);
var buf_2d = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
var scaler = FluidNormalize(s);
~labels = FluidLabelSet(s);
FluidKMeans(s,8).fitPredict(~ds,~labels,{"kmeans complete".postln});
// whatever the output of umap is, scale it to be between 0 and 1 so that it will look nice in the plotter
~ds_norm = FluidDataSet(s);
arg dict;
var previous, fp;
fp = FluidPlotter(bounds:Rect(0,0,800,800),dict:dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y;
[x,y].postln; // get the (normalized) x, y position of the mouse and...
buf_2d.setn(0,[x,y]); // load it into a buffer so that...
kdtree.kNearest(buf_2d,{ // it can be passed to the kdtree to find hte nearest neighbour, which is reported back...
arg nearest; // here
if(previous != nearest,{ // only if it is a "new" nearest neighbour, should it make sound
var index = nearest.asString.split($-)[1].asInteger; // peel off the index of the slice
previous = nearest;
"nearest point is: %".format(nearest).postln;
var startPos = Index.kr(~indices,index); // look up the start position
var dur_samps = Index.kr(~indices,index + 1) - startPos; // calculate the duration in samples
// play the buffer starting from the start position
var sig = PlayBuf.ar(1,~mono_buf,BufRateScale.ir(~mono_buf),startPos:startPos);
var dur_sec = dur_samps / BufSampleRate.ir(~mono_buf);
var env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0,1,1,0],[0.03,dur_sec-0.06,0.03]),doneAction:2);
sig.dup * env;
arg labels_dict;
// 9. Take out labels information and organize in a dictionary
arg dict;
~clusters = Dictionary.new;
arg id, cluster;
cluster = cluster[0].asInteger;
if(~clusters[cluster].isNil,{~clusters[cluster] = List.new});
arg k, v;
"points in cluster %: %".format(k,v).postln;
// 10. Do something with all slices from cluster 5 (you could also sort this liste by some other analysis if you like):
arg id;
"% is in cluster 5".format(id).postln;
// 11. Rotate through the clusters, but play each slice once before repeating in that cluster
var clustersPx = Dictionary.new;
arg k, v;
clustersPx[k] = Pxrand(v,inf).asStream;
arg i;
var clust = i % clustersPx.size;
"a slice from cluster %: %".format(clust,clustersPx[clust].next).postln;
Hi @tedmoore,
thanks a lot for the great example, and so good to know that these questions can in any way contribute (i often wonder whether im asking too much)!
One thing that strikes me on both the umap and mfcc plotting is that while the spatial distribution of points remains the same, the color coding is different. iād expect that each cluster would get its own color, although that is not the case no matter how many clusters i predefine. im not yet entirely clear what (hyper?)parameters define this fine tuning of spatial clusters and color code, that ideally should match (at least in my thinking). is there a way to differentiate a color the moment custers/points have a minimal distance between them (meaning their timbre is likely to differ considerably)?
Or, maybe the color coding is unnecessary and the spatial clusters are enough (which in my example seems to be the case)?
And as you suggest, the moment i have these clusters sorted iād love to be able to play them back server-side, the sample points being accessible somehow in a synth, (in my case preferably through buffers or arrays as these are accessible to demand rate Ugens)
Excited to be approaching the matter step by step, thanks!
PS: Here is a visual example of what i mean. here i set 16 clusters on FluidKMeans i get a quite a few warnings on empty clusters, and the spatially very divergent clusters fall under the same color!
You are not! We appreciate it!
One thing to note is that whichever dataset you do the KMeans clustering with, the code above displays the 2D UMAP space, so even if the clusters are made in the 13 dimensional MFCC space theyāre seen post-UMAP.
KMeans can sometimes not work great because it is expecting to find all rather globular (or, circular / spherical) clusters. when the data isnāt organized like this it wonāt work too well. (Although the globs below look rather globular!).
Because KMeans begins from a random seeding the clustersā order (and therefore colors) are not predictable. It is possible to seed the clusters initial positions, which may give some hints to the algorithm where you think clusters are, and hope to have some control over the order of the clusters. You may check out seeding KMeans with where you find clusters and seeing if it works better.
See example code below
I see what you mean. Can you send this dataset so I can make a demo with it. The json
will work for me!
// ================================================================
Hereās some example code for seeing KMeans using FluidPlotter to visually choose where the seeds should be.
// make and plot a dataset with 5 globs
var counter = 0;
var xybuf = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
~dict = Dictionary.newFrom(["cols",2,"data",Dictionary.new]);
arg i;
var x = [0.3,0.7,0.5,0.7,0.3][i % 5];
var y = [0.3,0.7,0.5,0.3,0.7][i % 5];
x = gauss(x,0.03).clip(0,1);
y = gauss(y,0.03).clip(0,1);
~dict["data"][i] = [x,y];
~mean_seeds = FluidDataSet(s);
~fp = FluidPlotter(bounds:Rect(800,0,800,800),dict:~dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y, modifiers, butnum, clickcount;
if(butnum.notNil,{// don't add a point when the mouse is released
counter = counter + 1;
// click on where you think clusters are to get the positions of seeds
// run a KMeans with these seeds
~ds = FluidDataSet(s).load(~dict);
~labels = FluidLabelSet(s);
arg sz;
~kmeans = FluidKMeans(s,sz).setMeans(~mean_seeds);
arg labels;
// ========================================================
some example code to get playback info into a buffer. this is modified from some example code in a post above!
// 1. Load a folder of sounds
~folder_path = FluidFilesPath();
~loader = FluidLoadFolder(~folder_path);
"loaded % soundfiles".format(~loader.index.size).postln;
// 2. mono-ize
~mono_buf = Buffer(s);
// 3. Slice
~indices = Buffer(s);
"% slices found".format(~indices.numFrames).postln;
"average duration in seconds: %".format(~mono_buf.duration/~indices.numFrames).postln;
// 4. Analyze
var feature_buf = Buffer(s);
var stats_buf = Buffer(s);
var point_buf = Buffer(s);
var play_info_buf = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
~ds = FluidDataSet(s);
~ds_play_info = FluidDataSet(s);
arg fa;
arg start, end, i;
var num = end - start;
if(i % 100 == 1,{s.sync});
"% / % done".format(i+1,~indices.numFrames-1).postln;
// 5. Cluster the MFCCs output
~labels = FluidLabelSet(s);
FluidKMeans(s,16).fitPredict(~ds,~labels,{"kmeans complete".postln});
// 6. Take out labels information and organize in a dictionary
arg dict;
~clusters = Dictionary.new;
arg id, cluster;
cluster = cluster[0].asInteger;
if(~clusters[cluster].isNil,{~clusters[cluster] = List.new});
arg k, v;
"points in cluster %: %".format(k,v).postln;
// 7. Put the "play info" from all the slices of each in cluster into a buffer
var tmpbuf = Buffer(s);
~play_info_clusters = {Buffer(s)} ! ~clusters.size;
arg cluster_i, list;
arg id, i;
"cluster %\tid %".format(cluster_i,id).postln;
// write the first frame to channel 0, frame "i"
// write the second frame to channel 1, frame "i"
// {~play_info_clust_5.plot}.defer;
// 8. playback according to the buffer
~play_all_in_cluster = {
arg cluster_num;
var trig = Impulse.kr(1);
var index = PulseCount.kr(trig) - 1;
var start, num, center_seconds;
FreeSelf.kr(index > BufFrames.ir(~play_info_clusters[cluster_num]));
# start, num = BufRd.kr(2,~play_info_clusters[cluster_num],index,0,1);
center_seconds = (start + (num/2)) / BufSampleRate.ir(~mono_buf);
// etc.
Let me know if this what youāre looking for and how else I can help!
Hi @tedmoore,
im looking now into the new examples, thank you! It seems at first to be exactly what im after.
Here are the json files of the DataSet before and after Umap.
(i zipped it as the json itself could be uploaded for some reason)
DataSet.zip (1.2 MB)
Hi @jan,
Thanks for sending this. As I suspected, seeding KMeans with points in the center of the clusters we see in the dataset works quite well!
Hi @tedmoore,
it really looks like it! Got it working as well from the adapted video code.
var counter = 0;
var xybuf = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
~ds =FluidDataSet(s).read("/Users/jan/Downloads/DataSet/DataSetUmap-jan.json");
~mean_seeds = FluidDataSet(s);
~ds.dump({ arg dict;
~fp = FluidPlotter(bounds:Rect(800,0,800,800),dict:dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y, modifiers, butnum, clickcount;
if(butnum.notNil,{// don't add a point when the mouse is released
counter = counter + 1;
~labels = FluidLabelSet(s);
arg sz;
~kmeans = FluidKMeans(s,sz).setMeans(~mean_seeds);
arg labels;
var colors = {Color.rand} ! sz;
arg id, cluster;
cluster = cluster[0].asInteger;
Thanks for your invaluable help so far!
Hi @tedmoore,
for the sake of convenience when seeding kmeans with large dataset visualisations: could one introduce a tracking option (e.g. just a colourful dot) of the places one has clicked so not to double seed clusters accidentally? otherwise its easy to loose track around the abstract visualisationsā¦
heres the respective code you had provided:
var counter = 0;
var xybuf = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
//~yds =FluidDataSet(s).read("/Users/jan/Downloads/DataSet/DataSetUmap-jan.json");
~ymean_seeds = FluidDataSet(s);
~yds.dump({ arg dict;
~yfp = FluidPlotter(bounds:Rect(800,0,800,800),dict:dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y, modifiers, butnum, clickcount;
if(butnum.notNil,{// don't add a point when the mouse is released
counter = counter + 1;
its really been a joy so far to work with this!
Hi @jan,
Thatās a nice idea. Hereās some code that implements it.
This is not a feature that I think weāll be adding to FluidPlotter, so Iāve just overlaid a UserView here and am using that to display some red dots based on the means! Let me know if this is what youāre after!
var counter = 0;
var xybuf = Buffer.alloc(s,2);
~yds = FluidDataSet(s).read("DataSet/DataSetUmap-jan.json".resolveRelative);
~ymean_seeds = FluidDataSet(s);
arg dict;
var win = Window(bounds:Rect(0,50,800,800));
var uv, means = List.new;
~yfp = FluidPlotter(win,Rect(0,0,win.bounds.width,win.bounds.height),dict:dict,mouseMoveAction:{
arg view, x, y, modifiers, butnum, clickcount;
if(butnum.notNil,{// don't add a point when the mouse is released
counter = counter + 1;
uv = UserView(win,Rect(0,0,win.bounds.width,win.bounds.height))
arg xy;
var width = 12;
var half_width = width / 2;
var x = xy[0].linlin(0,1,0,win.bounds.width);
var y = xy[1].linlin(0,1,win.bounds.height,0);
Pen.circle(Rect(x - half_width,y - half_width,width,width));
Hi @tedmoore,
im getting the following error when applying the code:
(seems like my Pen class has no circle method?)
DataSet 53177:
rows: 4 cols: 2
0 0.023929 0.49748
1 0.55164 0.90428
2 0.040302 0.43325
3 0.54156 0.062972ERROR: Message ācircleā not understood.
Perhaps you misspelled āidleā, or meant to call ācircleā on another receiver?
class Pen (0x7fa5a81c5f80) {
instance variables [19]
name : Symbol āPenā
nextclass : instance of Meta_Penv (0x7fa5e01efa40, size=19, set=5)
superclass : Symbol āObjectā
subclasses : instance of Array (0x7fa5c89e0b40, size=1, set=2)
methods : nil
instVarNames : nil
classVarNames : instance of SymbolArray (0x7fa5a81c6100, size=1, set=2)
iprototype : nil
cprototype : instance of Array (0x7fa5a81c61c0, size=1, set=2)
constNames : nil
constValues : nil
instanceFormat : Integer 0
instanceFlags : Integer 0
classIndex : Integer 294
classFlags : Integer 0
maxSubclassIndex : Integer 295
filenameSymbol : Symbol ā/Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/Base/QPen.scā
charPos : Integer 0
classVarIndex : Integer 333
Instance of Rect { (0x7fa5cd214ef8, gc=10, fmt=00, flg=00, set=02)
instance variables [4]
left : Float 13.143577 E6D9F464 402A4982
top : Float 396.015113 E77F0862 4078C03D
width : Integer 12
height : Integer 12
arg this =
arg this = nil
arg error =
arg this =
arg error =
arg this =
arg this =
arg selector = ācircleā
arg args = [*1]
< FunctionDef in closed FunctionDef >
arg xy = [*2]
var width = 12
var half_width = 6.0
var x = 19.143576826196
var y = 402.01511335013
arg this = [*4]
arg function =
var i = 0
arg this =
arg function =
arg this =
^^ ERROR: Message ācircleā not understood.
Perhaps you misspelled āidleā, or meant to call ācircleā on another receiver?
Oops! Try replacing circle
with addOval
. I guess circle
is an extension I must have installed.
working perfectly now!
very handy feature, thank you @tedmoore!
Hi @tedmoore,
a short question about the example below regarding the variable ānumā: why is it used for the grain position (instead of only start)? Is the purpose to center the grain at the middle of the slice instead of the beginning (as the variable represents the number of frames for a slice)?
Im asking because im aiming to use it with PlayBuf instead!
center_seconds = (start + (num/2)) / BufSampleRate.ir(~mono_buf);
taken from here:
// 7. Put the "play info" from all the slices of each in cluster into a buffer
var tmpbuf = Buffer(s);
~play_info_clusters = {Buffer(s)} ! ~clusters.size;
arg cluster_i, list;
arg id, i;
"cluster %\tid %".format(cluster_i,id).postln;
// write the first frame to channel 0, frame "i"
// write the second frame to channel 1, frame "i"
// {~play_info_clust_5.plot}.defer;
// 8. playback according to the buffer
~play_all_in_cluster = {
arg cluster_num;
var trig = Impulse.kr(1);
var index = PulseCount.kr(trig) - 1;
var start, num, center_seconds;
FreeSelf.kr(index > BufFrames.ir(~play_info_clusters[cluster_num]));
# start, num = BufRd.kr(2,~play_info_clusters[cluster_num],index,0,1);
center_seconds = (start + (num/2)) / BufSampleRate.ir(~mono_buf);