Fluid Corpus Manipulation Toolbox (was Fluid Decomposition) v.1.0.0 Release Candidate 1 is here!

Serendipitously I went to the ghub to download my own code and got wind that flucoma code was there! How fun.

Web site links updated. Hopefully you will get faster downloads via GitHub.

I havenā€™t moved pre-RC1 releases to GH, as itā€™s not clear that thereā€™s a huge need.

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Maybe a github/build from source category or thread is required but for windows is everything built inside Visual Studio once you have generated the build files with cmake? Iā€™m very used to the make install business on UNIX (thanks for this very smooth btw) but for mingw-32 it whinges when I try to call make: mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.

EDIT: For the CLI by the way!

Ah, windows. Yes, the readmes could probably highlight that life is perculiar there.

So, the first thing to understand about CMake is that different OSā€™s have different default generators (i.e. build systems), thatā€™s good olā€™ fashioned makefiles on *nix and macOS, and I think Visual Studio solutions on Windows.

If you have mingw set up then adding -G"Unix Makefiles" to the cmake command line (after cleaning out the build directory) might work, but here are the caveats:

  • Iā€™ve not tried building with mingw because I suspect it wonā€™t work: the word seemed to be that the project hasnā€™t kept pace with modern C++ on Windows, and still needs the visual studio linker (at a minimum) to work in any case
  • I donā€™t know for sure that -G"Unix Makefiles" does in fact work with mingw

My advice, if what you want is to get going quickly and have Visual Studio installed (I think we noted the minimum version in the readme), is to go with the default generator, which will produce a .sln file in your build directory that you can then open in Visual Studio.

Or, if you donā€™t fancy opening Visual Studio, you can get CMake to trigger msbuild itself by running (from your build folder):

cmake --build .  --config Release 

(the full stop after --build is important). Change --config to Debug if you want to hack and understand why itā€™s crashing (but by that point, VS might be a better option).

Ah yes, this syntax looks familiar to me fro the min devkit. Iā€™ll give all these things a whirl when I go back to hacking at the code a bit. Iā€™m looking into some REAPER extension things as you may imagine and window is my workhorse in this regard. (Itā€™s usually the weak point :wink: )

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