Fluid.datasetplot~ abstraction for 2D/3D visualization

Based on Balint’s patch I’m exploring the navigation of the 3D space with a Leapmotion. I’m using the left hand to ‘navigate’ the space and the right index finger to point (replacing the mouse x y).
As I’m a total newbie to jitter, here are a few questions:
I learned how to use the Leapmotion left hand position and movement to guide a shape in the space (the optional 'left-hand-rotation-box) - just for visualization.
I managed to use the position to change the camera angle. But when I’m also using the quaternian data for the camera, everything goes wild.
I’m scaling the right index finger position to the 600x600 jit.world (omitting the z axis for now) and use Balint’s math to find the closest point. That seems to work.

If anybody can point me to solutions for:

  • using hand inclination, rotation to tilt the ‘cloud of dots’
  • use also the z axis of the right index finger tip to find the closets dot

Thanks, Hans

the zip file contains also the leapmotion external I’m using.

Archive.zip (969.8 KB)

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