
Is there a Rd equivalent to FluidDataSetWr? I am in SC and I want to read from a data set on the server with a number:

array = FluidDataSetRd.kr(~ds,"point-",idNumber:idx,buf:buf,trig:trig);


array = FluidBufToKr.kr(buf);

Am I dumb or does this not exist?

To be clear: I want to stay on the server. None of this language buffer mumbo jumbo.


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There is the getPoint method call on the DataSet but I know that doesn’t get you what you want. Is there a reason why this data needs to be in a DataSet? Could you use the toBuffer method on a DataSet and then read out of a buffer, knowing the index. (or use a different strategy for getting the data to a buffer because toBuffer also needs a LabelSet IIRC)

I think the difference problem here is that data exists in the DataSets with identifiers, not indices. Since identifiers are strings (symbols I think actually), it kind of doesn’t make sense to try to access them by identifier on the server since strings don’t jive on the server. Just like how Dictionaries don’t exists on teh server. I think getting the data to a buffer is the more conceptually pure approach.

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and bufcompose.kr is your friend there - you can @startchan dynamically and copy just one chan / time series if needs be.

I had made the buffer solution you suggest, which is great. I think I was just being an idiot. getPoint is the correct solution.

BUT - to play devil’s advocate: DataSet is our dictionary on the server, and if we can write to it there (which is already a compromise), why not be able to read from it in a compromised manner as well? Anyhow, this is my own problem, and if I have time I will make a UGen…


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actually that would be awesome as a PR!

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