Francophone members: a superb presentation of Jacob's work on Rodrigo's work, at the Journées d'Informatique Musicale


(I’ll write in French because if you don’t get this, you won’t get the talk, sorry!) edit I’ll do a take-home message post below and @jacob.hart might reply :slight_smile:

@jacob.hart a fait une présentation du projet, et surtout de son travail sur la pièce de @rodrigo.constanzo et la présentation est en ligne. Belle réflection sur la potentialité et du vocabulaire (et des idées) inspirantes!

Fortement recommendé.


Take-home message:

  1. Musiking as network, thinking of time as a network of potential outcome curated by the composer/performer/improviser.

  2. To think practically about it, analysing the potential of the instrument designed.

  3. since the combinatorics are too large (each source times each process with each many discrete parameter) reducing the space at each step by clustering (with a cool web browser to see them all!)

  4. then looking at all of this with the navigation by Rod within the performance…

A great talk, and some fantastic ideas. Thanks @jacob.hart

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This looks super interesting! Sadly, I can’t really make out a lot of what is being said.

The examples and visualizations look way more refined than when I last saw them.

Hope there’s an English version of a similar talk in the pipeline at some point!

Unfortunately, this will only be in French. Forever.

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