Hey there,
I get a consistent crash from [fluid.mlpclassifier~] when I hit it with the predict message right after reading the weights from a json file. It is kind of weird, because it works when I just train and predict after training (without reading). The main patch is cod_db_builder2.maxpat in Cod_classification.zip (181.7 KB). The crashing bit is in [p predict_labels] at the 9th step.
Training always goes fine. During training I have a “callback” saving the best weights into cod_mlp_weights.json.
When I want to predict in [p predict_labels], I first read this json with the best weights, then hit predict then - crash, every time. If I don’t read before predict, everything is fine.
(I am planning to make a separate thread about the actual project, but wanted to open this one for this potential bug(?).)
I’m on Windows 10 using the alpha-8th (newest at the time of writing) version of the Toolbox.