I worked on this some in the plenary, but I’ve improved it since then. Here are some audio examples:
I trained the FluidMLPRegressor to be able to predict what frequency modulation parameters would best recreate the spectrum of an incoming sound (by training on it it’s own spectrum).
I found the problem I was having was that I was feeding it way too much data, by which I mean I was feeding it parameter vectors that I would never actually ask it to try to recreate. For example carrier freq = 20, mod freq = 10000, index = 20 is a spectrum I would probably never need for it to try to recreate, so it ends up being more noise in the training data. Again it all comes down to how good the training data is!
var fm_norm_path = "/Users/ted/Desktop/SCD/flucoma/nn fm/200726_01 poisson no median filter/200726_172723_4584_spec_filtered_data/200726_172723_fm_norm_nSteps=4584.json";
var analysis_norm_path = "/Users/ted/Desktop/SCD/flucoma/nn fm/200726_01 poisson no median filter/200726_172723_4584_spec_filtered_data/200726_172723_spec_filtered_data_norm_nSteps=4584.json";
var nn_path = "/Users/ted/Desktop/SCD/flucoma/nn fm/200726_01 poisson no median filter/200726_172723_4584_spec_filtered_data/200726_172723_melbands->fm_spec_filtered_data_nSteps=4584_shape=[ 6 ]_hiddenAct=sigmoid_outAct=identity_nEpochs=31800_loss=0.0499.json";
var analysis_size = 13;
var test_buf, net, pitching_bus, catching_bus, input_buf0, input_bu1, output_buf0, fm_mins;
var fm_maxes, analysis_mins, analysis_maxes, fm_ranges, analysis_ranges;
var amp_bus, fm_json, analysis_json;
net = FluidMLPRegressor();
pitching_bus = Bus.control(s);
catching_bus = Bus.control(s);
input_buf0 = Buffer.alloc(s,1,analysis_size);
output_buf0 = Buffer.alloc(s,3);
fm_json = JSONFileReader.read(fm_norm_path);
analysis_json = JSONFileReader.read(analysis_norm_path);
amp_bus = Bus.control(s);
~input_buf1 = Buffer.alloc(s,analysis_size);
fm_mins = fm_json.at("data_min").asFloat;
fm_maxes = fm_json.at("data_max").asFloat;
fm_ranges = fm_maxes - fm_mins;
analysis_mins = analysis_json.at("data_min").asFloat;
analysis_maxes = analysis_json.at("data_max").asFloat;
analysis_ranges = analysis_maxes - analysis_mins;
//test_buf = Buffer.readChannel(s,"/Volumes/Ted's 10TB My Book (June 2020)/PROJECT FILES/machine learning/Training Data/Audio/a test file.wav",channels:[0]);
test_buf = Buffer.readChannel(s,"/Volumes/Ted's 10TB My Book (June 2020)/PROJECT FILES/machine learning/Training Data/Audio/basson mixed activity for testing (complete).wav",channels:[0]);
//test_buf = Buffer.readChannel(s,"/Volumes/Ted's 10TB My Book (June 2020)/PROJECT FILES/machine learning/Training Data/Audio/quick brown fox.wav",channels:[0]);
//test_buf = Buffer.readChannel(s,"/Volumes/Ted's 10TB My Book (June 2020)/SOUND DESIGNS/_EURORACK SOUNDS/200613 eurorack 01/_bounces/200613 eurorack 01 last 10 min excerpt.wav",channels:[0]);
//test_buf = Buffer.readChannel(s,"/Users/ted/Documents/_CREATING/_PROJECT FILES/wet ink/sounds 2/200606 eurorack 60 hz noise.wav",channels:[0]);
//test_buf = Buffer.readChannel(s,"/Users/ted/Documents/_CREATING/_PROJECT FILES/wet ink/sounds 2/slowed down eurorack with chromagram data.wav",channels:[0]);
~trig_rate = 25;
~example_dur = 5;
~inSynth = {
var sig = PlayBuf.ar(1,test_buf,1,0,rrand(0,test_buf.numFrames),1);
//var mfcc = FluidMFCC.kr(sig,40)[1..39];
var spec = FluidSpectralShape.kr(sig);
var pitch = FluidPitch.kr(sig);
var loudness = FluidLoudness.kr(sig);
var zc = A2K.kr(ZeroCrossing.ar(sig));
var senseDis = SensoryDissonance.kr(FFT(LocalBuf(2048),sig));
//var melbands = FluidMelBands.kr(sig,maxNumBands:40);
var trig = Impulse.kr(~trig_rate);
var flat_trig;
//var vector = mfcc ++ spec ++ pitch;
//var vector = spec ++ pitch;
var vector = spec ++ pitch ++ loudness ++ [zc,senseDis];
//sig = sig * LFPulse.kr((~example_dur * 2).reciprocal).lag(0.03);
vector = (vector - analysis_mins) / analysis_ranges;
vector = Median.kr(31,vector);
flat_trig = FluidBufFlatten.kr(input_buf0,~input_buf1,trig:trig);
~outSynth = {
var max_del = 8;
var inTrig = In.kr(catching_bus);
var outs = 3.collect({
arg i;
var sig;
var cfreq, mfreq, index;
var del_time = LFDNoise3.kr(2).range(0,1).pow(2) * max_del;
outs = Median.kr(31,outs);
outs = (outs * fm_ranges) + fm_mins;
outs = outs.lag(~trig_rate.reciprocal);
outs = outs ++ [In.kr(amp_bus)];
cfreq = outs[0].clip(20,20000);
mfreq = outs[1].clip(20,20000);
index = max(outs[2],0);
sig = SinOsc.ar(cfreq + SinOsc.ar(mfreq,0,mfreq * index));
sig = sig * outs[3];