Podcast rss?


I’m having trouble finding an RSS feed for the podcast.

Can anyone share me the link?


I had a look at implementing one but it didn’t seem worth the dev time to add it to our web stack seeing as in a week there won’t be any new podcasts or explore articles.

Is RSS useful for static content?

It was only for the convenience of being able to subscribe in a podcast app, and treat myself on the commute :slightly_smiling_face:

but saying that, I’ve only found the pod on YouTube. Are the episodes available / hosted as audio somewhere?

not presently. Would that be of interest? Maybe we can find a way…

Certainly we could just process the audio and store it in backblaze as mp3? That’s one approach. Then we could have an RSSable index somewhere on learn. That sounds like some shape of a plan at least

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And now… https://learn.flucoma.org/podcast/


I had a lovely time listening to your conversation with Freida Abtan this week, and looking forward to working my way through the series. Much appreciated!