There is a recurrent request made to me that the fantastic podcasts discussions done by @jacob.hart were to be put in audio-only format. Has anyone got experience and hints for this?
I found [this article which is super clear] How To Publish A Podcast (Beginner’s Guide 2023) and I’ll try to do a RSS feed to them on a new page, but maybe someone has ideas on how feasible and relevant that is…
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For transparency, I think the streamlined approach would be to make the learn platform automatically provide an RSS feed for the explore page. We can structure the XML for the RSS feed so that the video is provided, agnostic of YouTube - I think! Something to consider would be how an audio only option is provided too, whether thats the application which consumes the data and deals with it or us making the format available via the feed.
I never published a podcast, and there’s tons of options, but it looks like could be a good enough choice.
A more DIY option is to host the audio and rss files on any server available (even github), then submit the url of the RSS feeds and/or OPML files anywhere relevant including to popular podcast providers (iTunes, TuneIn, gpodder podcastindex, etc, ), but it’s more work than using a podcast hosting service.
thanks for this! @jamesbradbury managed to sort us out and I’m just waiting for all the artist’s authorization to upload to aggregators… and give the feed here 
ok we’re live!!!
I’m going to send it to all aggregators 
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If you want to use it, please let us know if you hit any issues. I can fix them if I know about them!
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ok the feed is public! RSS is available here:
and it is also available on Apple and Google let me know if your platform is missing there… some are easier than others to add…
Thanks to @jamesbradbury for implementing the rss feed !
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