Pre-processing for (Training for real-time NMF)

The IR question(s) are about cleaning up the noisy audio from the fancy drum trigger, not the dicts. The dicts, as far as I can tell are fine.

Basically this. What’s the step for going from noise to FIR with HIRT?

Actually I crossed my threads!

My last comment was referring to the discussion from the Training for real-time NMF thread.

Basically the problem of being able to grab the correct frame from the output of fluid.nmfmatch~ to compare against. At the moment none of what I have actually works. I’m just building good (theoretical) dicts so that I can improve the likelihood of getting accurate matching from fluid.nmfmatch~, but since I have no way of assessing the improvements, I’m just shooting in the dark.

You did tease that you had some ideas for this, if I understood you right.