SC: FluidDataSet and FluidLabelSet "get" method like Buffer "getn"


I’ve noticed that when using “getPoint” or “getLabel” in some sort of loop (in order to get multiple responses) I need to insert an “s.sync” in order to get an accurate response. I have also since noticed it in the FluidDataSet help file. This feels a little clunky and certainly is slow.

Would it be possible to create a “getn” kind of behavior where I could pass an array of ids and then get an array of responses out of one call to the server? This could be a “flattened” array that I would then have to clump into it’s appropriate multidimensional form, but could also be a multidimensional array.

This seems like perhaps a lower priority as I don’t have a specific implementation concern in mind, but does seem like an extension of what the tool does–and I found it confusing that I would need to insert the “s.sync”, it seemed un idiomatic for SC. The “getn” would feel idiomatic.

Thank you!


~n_dims = 3;
// make empty dataset
~dataset = FluidDataSet(s,\kmeans_test,~n_dims);

// fill up the dataset
	arg i;
		arg buf;

// this doesn't work, return all zeros{
	arg i;
		arg buf;
				arg points;

// this does work. i have to let the server sync so that the osc flying back and forth doesnt get messed up?
		arg i;
		var buf = Buffer.alloc(s,~n_dims);
		// =========================================================================
		// ============= this is the change from what is above =====================
		// =========================================================================
		// =========================================================================
				arg points;

This idea is certainly a good contribution to our first challenge of the year for the 2nd toolbox. @weefuzzy is on the interface questions which are also cumbersome in Max and Pd but a lot more to the fore in SC with the whole sync’ing inherent to the language… keep on sending ideas on this thread!

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