here we go. This will be included in the next alpha, but for it to work now you need to correct the class definition of FluidNormalize and FluidStandardize (replace dataset.asUGenInput with dataset.asString 3 times each and recompile - I can also send the amended ones)
I’ve made it a tutorial, explaining everything and expected results. Let me know if it is clearer.
// set some variables
~nb_of_dim = 10;
~dataset = FluidDataSet(s,\test,~nb_of_dim);
// fill up the dataset with 20 entries of 10 column/dimension/descriptor value each. The naming of the item's label is arbitrary as usual{
arg i;
arg buf;
// make a buf for getting points back
~query_buf = Buffer.alloc(s,~nb_of_dim);
// look at a point to see that it has points in it
// look at another point to make sure it's different...
// exploring full dataset normalization and standardization
// make a FluidNormalize
~normalize = FluidNormalize(s,0,1);
// fits the dataset to find the coefficients,{"done".postln;}); // throws error
// making an empty 'normed_dataset' which is required for the normalize function
~normed_dataset = FluidDataSet(s,\normed,~nb_of_dim);
// normalize the full dataset
~normalize.normalize(~dataset,~normed_dataset,{"done".postln;}); // throws error
// look at a point to see that it has points in it
// 10 numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 where each column/dimension/descriptor is certain to have at least one item on which it is 0 and one on which it is 1
// query a few more for fun
// try FluidStandardize
~standardize = FluidStandardize(s);
// fits the dataset to find the coefficients,{"done".postln;});
// standardize the full dataset
~standardized_dataset = FluidDataSet(s,\standardized,~nb_of_dim);
// look at a point to see that it has points in it
// 10 numbers that are standardize, which mean that, for each column/dimension/descriptor, the average of all the points will be 0. and the standard deviation 1.
// exploring point querying conceepts via norm and std
// Once a dataset is normalized / standardized, query points have to be scaled accordingly to be used in distance measurement. In our instance, values were originally between 0 and 100, and now they will be between 0 and 1 (norm), or their average will be 0. (std). If we have data that we want to match from a similar ranging input, which is usually the case, we will need to normalize the searching point in each dimension using the same coefficients.
// first, make sure you have run all the code above, since we will query these datasets
// get a know point as a query point
// find the 2 points with the shortest distances in the dataset
~tree =;
~tree.kNearest(~query_buf,2, {|x| ("Labels:" + x).postln});
~tree.kNearestDist(~query_buf,2, {|x| ("Distances:" + x).postln});
// its nearest neighbourg is itself: it should be itself and the distance should be 0. The second point is depending on your input dataset.
// normalise that point (~query_buf) to be at the right scale
~normbuf = Buffer.alloc(s,~nb_of_dim);
~normbuf.getn(0,~nb_of_dim,{arg vec;vec.postln;});
// make a tree of the normalized database and query with the normalize buffer
~normtree =;
~normtree.kNearest(~normbuf,2, {|x| ("Labels:" + x).postln});
~normtree.kNearestDist(~normbuf,2, {|x| ("Distances:" + x).postln});
// its nearest neighbourg is still itself as it should be, but the 2nd neighbourg will have changed. The distance is now different too
// standardize that same point (~query_buf) to be at the right scale
~stdbuf = Buffer.alloc(s,~nb_of_dim);
~stdbuf.getn(0,~nb_of_dim,{arg vec;vec.postln;});
// make a tree of the standardized database and query with the normalize buffer
~stdtree =;
~stdtree.kNearest(~stdbuf,2, {|x| ("Labels:" + x).postln});
~stdtree.kNearestDist(~stdbuf,2, {|x| ("Distances:" + x).postln});
// its nearest neighbourg is still itself as it should be, but the 2nd neighbourg will have changed yet again. The distance is also different too
// where it starts to be interesting is when we query points that are not in our original dataset
// fill with known values (50.0 for each of the 10 column/dimension/descriptor, aka the theoretical middle point of the multidimension space) This could be anything but it is fun to aim in the middle.
// normalize and standardize the query buffer. Note that we do not need to fit since we have not added a point to our reference dataset
//query the single nearest neighbourg via 3 different data scaling. Depending on the random source at the begining, you will get small to large differences between the 3 answers!
~tree.kNearest(~query_buf,1, {|x| ("Original:" + x).post;~tree.kNearestDist(~query_buf,1, {|x| (" with a distance of " + x).postln});});
~normtree.kNearest(~normbuf,1, {|x| ("Normalized:" + x).post;~normtree.kNearestDist(~normbuf,1, {|x| (" with a distance of " + x).postln});});
~stdtree.kNearest(~stdbuf,1, {|x| ("Standardized:" + x).post; ~stdtree.kNearestDist(~stdbuf,1, {|x| (" with a distance of " + x).postln});});