SuperCollider JustInTime NMF example: look mum no SendReply

Hi! I figured out Just In Time analysis can be done in SuperCollider without using SendReply… this is awesome! Thanks a lot! It’s great to be able to trigger NRT analysis directly from the server, without passing through those extra OSC messages (especially when working with a “remote” server I guess).

So I’ve rewritten the JiT NMF example to do it, and wanted to share it with you:

~nmfNumComponents = 3;
~nmfDur = 0.5;
// we need two buffers to store the output of nmf analysis
// we need two because when one is playing, the other is being rewritten with new analysis data
// (and we are going to concatenate them in the SynthDef below)
~nmfBuffers = 2.collect { Buffer.alloc(s, ~nmfDur * s.sampleRate, ~nmfNumComponents) };
// input buffer to nmf analysis: we need twice our analysis size
~analBuffer = Buffer.alloc(s, ~nmfDur * 2 * s.sampleRate);
~audioBuffer =, FluidFilesPath("Nicol-LoopE-M.wav"));

// abstract away the alternating players mechanism, for clarity
~alternatingPlayers = { |bufs, bufChannels = 3|
	{ |xfade = 0.01|
		// alternating triggers for players
		var playDur =[0]);
		var playTrigs =
			freq: (playDur * bufs.size).reciprocal,
			phase: Array.series(bufs.size, 0, bufs.size.reciprocal)
		var players =, bufs, trigger: playTrigs, loop: 0);
		var envs =, playDur - xfade, xfade), playTrigs);
		players * envs;

SynthDef(\becauseIcan) { |analBuffer = 0|
	var nmfBufnums = \!2);
	var in = \;
	var audioIn =;

	var writeSamples, writeHead, players, analTrigs;
	// trigDelay can be 0 if phasors are audiorate
	// otherwise, 1 blockSizes will do (trig needs to go to zero for at least one blockSize)
	var trigDelay = 0; //;

	writeSamples =;
	writeHead =, 1, 0, writeSamples);, analBuffer, writeHead, loop: 1);

	analTrigs = writeHead > [
		// trigger nmf buf 0 when writeHead is at analBuf half
		(writeSamples / 2 + trigDelay),
		// trigger nmf buf 1 when writeHead is at analBuf beginning
		(0 + trigDelay)

	// trigger NRT analysis from the server { |destBuf, n|, resynth: destBuf, trig: analTrigs[n],
			startFrame: * n,
			components: ~nmfNumComponents, fftSize: 1024, windowSize: 512, hopSize: 256

	players = SynthDef.wrap(~alternatingPlayers.value(nmfBufnums, ~nmfNumComponents));, Mix(;

// instantiate the player
Ndef(\play) {, ~audioBuffer, loop: 1) };

// instantiate the processor
y = Synth.after(Ndef(\play), \becauseIcan, [
	analBuffer: ~analBuffer, nmfBuffers: ~nmfBuffers,
	in: Ndef(\play).bus

// stop it all
[~analBuffer, ~nmfBuffers, ~audioBuffer].do(;

As a side-note, this JiT approach is different from the one with the circular buffer, because here we have fixed analysis windows, so we don’t need to Latch positions or assure we can always read from a contiguous block (it is already assured).
Greatness, that’s a second JiT “recipe” that adds up to the circular buffer one :slight_smile:

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And here is a more “composable” version of the same SynthDef, where the JiT mechanism is isolated so that it could be reused. It might be too early for me to ship this abstraction (feels like it’s very tied to this example’s resynth case), but nevertheless I thought it might be inspiring?

// - records audioIn to a local buffer (2 * analDur)
// - analyzes 2 halves of that buffer (each lasting analDur * analChannels), alternating:
//   when first half is being recorded, analyzes the second, and vice-versa
// - runs a custom function to actually perform nrt analysis, providing necessary arguments
//   (see arguments below)
// - returns analysis buffers
~fluidJiTFixed = { |audioIn, analDur = 0.5, analChannels = 1, analFunc|
	var analBuffer = LocalBuf(analDur * 2 *;
	var segmentBuffers = {LocalBuf(analDur *, analChannels)} ! 2;
	var writeSamples, writeHead, analTrigs;

	writeSamples =;
	writeHead =, 1, 0, writeSamples);, analBuffer, writeHead, loop: 1);

	analTrigs = writeHead > [
		// trigger analysis for first segment when writeHead is at analBuf half
		writeSamples / 2,
		// trigger analysis for second segment when writeHead is at analBuf beginning
	]; { |destBuf, n|
			/*source:    */ analBuffer,
			/*startFrame:*/ * n,
			/*numFrames: */,
			/*destBuf:   */ destBuf,
			/*trig:      */ analTrigs[n]


SynthDef(\nmfSplay) {
	var audioIn =\;

	var nmfBufnums  = ~fluidJiTFixed.value(audioIn, ~nmfDur, ~nmfNumComponents) {
		|source, startFrame, numFrames, destBuf, trig|, resynth: destBuf, trig: trig,
			startFrame: startFrame, numFrames: numFrames,
			components: ~nmfNumComponents, fftSize: 1024, windowSize: 512, hopSize: 256

	var players = SynthDef.wrap(~alternatingPlayers.value(nmfBufnums, ~nmfNumComponents));, Mix(;

it’s been on my todo list for the week - I will read tomorrow in my hotel room and come back to you with what was my all-server-solution for a JIT nmf classifier - coded in Max and Pd and the SC version is looooon due!

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ok I had a flash that I actually did it and it disappeared from the examples folder… so I found it back and it works!

This is exactly the same thing as the Max and Pd equivalent. I think the code is verbose, and I am certain @tedmoore would make it better and all trigger based on the server side, but this might be inspiring for now. Using NMF on a portion of a circular buffer, as just-in-time classifier, is quite fun. It would be much faster all on server so I might give it a spin. In the meantime, I hope this helps!

// using nmf in 'real-time' as a classifier
// how it works: a circular buffer is recording and attacks trigger the process
// if in learning mode, it does a one component nmf which makes an approximation of the base. 3 of those will be copied in 3 different positions of our final 3-component base
// in in guessing mode, it does a thres component nmf from the trained bases and yields the 3 activation peaks, on which it thresholds resynth

//how to use:
// 1. start the server
// 2. select between parenthesis below and execute. You should get a window with 3 pads (bd sn hh) and various menus
// 3. train the 3 classes:
//    3.1 select the learn option
//    3.2 select which class you want to train
//    3.3 play the sound you want to associate with that class a few times (the left audio channel is the source)
//    3.4 click the transfer button
//    3.5 repeat (3.2-3.4) for the other 2 classes.
//    3.x you can observe the 3 bases here:

// 4. classify
//    4.1 select the classify option
//    4.2 press a pad and look at the activation
//    4.3 tweak the thresholds and enjoy the resynthesis. (the right audio channel is the detected class where classA is a bd sound)
//    4.x you can observe the 3 activations here:

/// code to execute first
var circle_buf = Buffer.alloc(s,s.sampleRate * 2); // b
var input_bus =,1); // g
var classifying = 0; // c
var cur_training_class = 0; // d
var train_base = Buffer.alloc(s, 65); // e
var activation_vals = [0.0,0.0,0.0]; // j
var thresholds = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; // k
var activations_disps;
var analysis_synth;
var osc_func;
var update_rout;

~classify_bases = Buffer.alloc(s, 65, 3); // f
~activations =;

// the circular buffer with triggered actions sending the location of the head at the attack
Routine {
	SynthDef(\JITcircular,{arg bufnum = 0, input = 0, env = 0;
		var head, head2, duration, audioin, halfdur, trig;
		duration = / 2;
		halfdur = duration / 2;
		head =,1,0,duration);
		head2 = (head + halfdur) % duration;

		// circular buffer writer
		audioin =,1);,bufnum,head,0);,bufnum,head+duration,0);
		trig =, 10, 1666, 2205, 2205, 12, 9, -47,4410, 85);

		// cue the calculations via the language, '/attack',head);,audioin);

	// drum sounds taken from original code by snappizz
	// produced further and humanised by PA
	SynthDef(\fluidbd, {
		|out = 0|
		var body, bodyFreq, bodyAmp;
		var pop, popFreq, popAmp;
		var click, clickAmp;
		var snd;

		// body starts midrange, quickly drops down to low freqs, and trails off
		bodyFreq =[Rand(200,300), 120, Rand(45,49)], [0.035, Rand(0.07,0.1)], curve: \exp));
		bodyAmp =[0,Rand(0.8,1.3),1,0],[0.005,Rand(0.08,0.085),Rand(0.25,0.35)]), doneAction: 2);
		body = * bodyAmp;
		// pop sweeps over the midrange
		popFreq =,800), Rand(250,270), Rand(0.018,0.02));
		popAmp =[0,Rand(0.8,1.3),1,0],[0.001,Rand(0.018,0.02),Rand(0.0008,0.0013)]));
		pop = * popAmp;
		// click is spectrally rich, covering the high-freq range
		// you can use Formant, FM, noise, whatever
		clickAmp =,Rand(0.008,0.012),Rand(0.07,0.12),-5));
		click =,920),0,0.1), 4760, 0.50150150150) * clickAmp;

		snd = body + pop + click;
		snd = snd.tanh;, snd);

	SynthDef(\fluidsn, {
		|out = 0|
		var pop, popAmp, popFreq;
		var noise, noiseAmp;
		var click;
		var snd;

		// pop makes a click coming from very high frequencies
		// slowing down a little and stopping in mid-to-low
		popFreq =[Rand(3210,3310), 410, Rand(150,170)], [0.005, Rand(0.008,0.012)], curve: \exp));
		popAmp =, Rand(0.1,0.12), Rand(0.7,0.9),-5));
		pop = * popAmp;
		// bandpass-filtered white noise
		noiseAmp =, Rand(0.13,0.15), Rand(1.2,1.5),-5), doneAction: 2);
		noise =, 810, 1.6) * noiseAmp;

		click =;
		snd = (pop  + click + noise) * 1.4;, snd);

	SynthDef(\fluidhh, {
		|out = 0|
		var click, clickAmp;
		var noise, noiseAmp, noiseFreq;

		// noise -> resonance -> expodec envelope
		noiseAmp =, Rand(0.28,0.3), Rand(0.4,0.6), [-20,-15]), doneAction: 2);
		noiseFreq = Rand(3900,4100);
		noise = Mix(, [noiseFreq, noiseFreq+141], [0.12, 0.31], [2.0, 1.2])) * noiseAmp;, noise);

	// makes sure all the synthdefs are on the server

	// instantiate the JIT-circular-buffer
	analysis_synth = Synth(\JITcircular,[\bufnum, circle_buf, \input, input_bus]);

	// instantiate the listener to cue the processing from the language side
	osc_func = OSCFunc({ arg msg;
		var head_pos = msg[3];
		// when an attack happens
		if (classifying == 0, {
			// if in training mode, makes a single component nmf
			FluidBufNMF.process(s, circle_buf, head_pos, 128, bases:train_base, basesMode: 1, windowSize: 128);
		}, {
			// if in classifying mode, makes a 3 component nmf from the pretrained bases and compares the activations with the set thresholds
			FluidBufNMF.process(s, circle_buf, head_pos, 128, components:3, bases:~classify_bases, basesMode: 2, activations:~activations, windowSize: 128, action:{
				// we are retrieving and comparing against the 2nd activation, because FFT processes are zero-padded on each sides, therefore the complete 128 samples are in the middle of the analysis.
					activation_vals = x;
					if (activation_vals[0] >= thresholds[0], {Synth(\fluidbd,[\out,1])});
					if (activation_vals[1] >= thresholds[1], {Synth(\fluidsn,[\out,1])});
					if (activation_vals[2] >= thresholds[2], {Synth(\fluidhh,[\out,1])});
						activations_disps[0].string_("A:" ++ activation_vals[0].round(0.01));
						activations_disps[1].string_("B:" ++ activation_vals[1].round(0.01));
						activations_disps[2].string_("C:" ++ activation_vals[2].round(0.01));
	}, '/attack', s.addr);

	// make sure all the synths are instantiated

	// GUI for control
		var win = Window("Control", Rect(100,100,610,100)).front;

		Button(win, Rect(10,10,80, 80)).states_([["bd",,Color.white]]).mouseDownAction_({Synth(\fluidbd, [\out, input_bus], analysis_synth, \addBefore)});
		Button(win, Rect(100,10,80, 80)).states_([["sn",,Color.white]]).mouseDownAction_({Synth(\fluidsn, [\out, input_bus], analysis_synth, \addBefore)});
		Button(win, Rect(190,10,80, 80)).states_([["hh",,Color.white]]).mouseDownAction_({Synth(\fluidhh, [\out, input_bus], analysis_synth,\addBefore)});
		StaticText(win, Rect(280,7,85,25)).string_("Select").align_(\center);
		PopUpMenu(win, Rect(280,32,85,25)).items_(["learn","classify"]).action_({|value|
			classifying = value.value;
			if(classifying == 0, {
		PopUpMenu(win, Rect(280,65,85,25)).items_(["classA","classB","classC"]).action_({|value|
			cur_training_class = value.value;
		Button(win, Rect(375,65,85,25)).states_([["transfer",,Color.white]]).mouseDownAction_({
			if(classifying == 0, {
				// if training
				FluidBufCompose.process(s, train_base, numChans:1, destination:~classify_bases, destStartChan:cur_training_class);
		StaticText(win, Rect(470,7,75,25)).string_("Acts");
		activations_disps = Array.fill(3, {arg i;
			StaticText(win, Rect(470,((i+1) * 20 )+ 7,80,25));
		StaticText(win, Rect(540,7,55,25)).string_("Thresh").align_(\center); {arg i;
			TextField(win, Rect(540,((i+1) * 20 )+ 7,55,25)).string_("0.5").action_({|x| thresholds[i] = x.value.asFloat;});


// thanks to Ted Moore for the SC code cleaning and improvements!
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