Hello everyone,
I am a new user of the discourse forum but I have tried to integrate FluCoMa for a few weeks.
I’m trying to read from a Bus (audio-rate) and using it as input of the FluidMFCC method but it seems to not working.
I’m working at 192 kHz of sampling rate as I want to analyze signals from 40 to 50 kHz.
Thanks in advance for your help.
This is a very simple example:
Out.ar(0, LPF.ar(SinOsc.ar!2, 220, 0.5) );
b = Bus.new(\control,0,13);
w = Window("MFCCs Monitor", Rect(10, 10, 420, 320)).front;
a = MultiSliderView(w,Rect(10, 10, 400, 300)).elasticMode_(1).isFilled_(1);
a.reference_(Array.fill(13,{0.5})); //make a center line to show 0
~winRange = 40;
r = Routine {
b.get({ arg val;
if(w.isClosed.not) {
a.value = val.linlin(~winRange.neg,~winRange,0,1);
x = {arg bands = 20, low = 40000, high = 50000;
var source = In.ar(0,2);
Out.kr(b,FluidMFCC.kr(source, 40, bands, low, high, 4096));