Fluid.datasetplot~ abstraction for 2D/3D visualization

That’s where the linear color mapping helps. Greenish stuff is as similar as much as “stuff on the left” is similar.

The first bit is what I was trying to do here, by just adding the labels that come from kmean-ing something into a dataset for mapping. That’s definitely not a simple task.

But any of these bits can be handy in that you just pack a single dataset with what you want (e.g. 3Ds of “timbre”, the 4th D of “loudness” and the 5th D of “duration”). It’s not possible to do everything this way as you can’t have symbols/text as in a dataset, as otherwise you can have a set of (text) labels as a dimension and map those onto differences in a color space or whatever.

I can break out the interface so you can feed it different kinds of things, as having to funnel things through a dataset complicates things a bit, but then it doesn’t become as easy to just drop in and inspect things.