Slice with removing silence?

I have a source material where there is a lot of silence, and eventually some short clicks, snaps, etc - very short sound events. I want to extract these and discard the silence somehow. Up until now I used the dynamic split in Reaper slicing at both gate-on and gate-off points. That works, but the issue is that then I have to render thousands of very small wav files, and use them in Max, and this is asking for trouble in many ways.
Is there a way to use the flucoma slicers so that they also report when a slice ends not just when they start? I am looking at fluid.bufampgate~ to mimic what I do with dynamic split, but I wonder how to get the gate-off times?
Or is there maybe a universal trick that can make this work with any of the slicers?

If you silence level is consistent, then fluid.(buf)ampgate is a more customisable version of a similar thing that dynamic split is doing. Check the help file it gives a few examples of customisation like look-back and look-ahead to capture tails for instance or time hysteresis, as well as the usual thresholding, etc

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Argh. I missed the fact that bufampgate~ outputs 2 channels with the 2nd being the gate-off points. Sorry for the noob post!

Very didactic example for future people like me:

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Yeah, fluid.ampgate~ is great for this. Once slight bummer with fluid.ampgate~ vs fluid.ampslice~ is that you no longer have the relative envelopes. So you have to rely on absolute thresholds, which are great for some stuff, but not others.

I think @tutschku and @weefuzzy will like that example very much!

but your ramps are wayyyyyy too quick (these are in sample you know) so on real signal you’ll need to have a little more smoothness. The drums examples are good to see that.

Yeah I know, this is just a “very didactic” (and otherwise useless) example I made for myself. I wanted the points to go exactly at the start and end (for visual satisfaction, and because of ocd), that’s why the ramps are 1. But I’ll set up a slicer patch for some real-world signal soon. :))

Yeah, good point! I actually only need this for silence removal (something like the dynamic split in reaper), for that it must be perfect.

Actually you still have them: you just need 2 passes if you want on/off and then cut the slices further with the relative object (which also has a floor). Have fun with a similar toy example with ampslice and you’ll discover a fantastic detrender.

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By this do you mean running them in parallel and then filtering one set by the others? From what I remember (it’s been a while since I mess with these) was that I couldn’t have fluid.ampslice~ behavior and “offs” from the same onsets.

I meant in his case, which is offline, so in series: you create slices with ons and offs, then you can see if they will subdivide with detrending.

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