(weighted) pitch analysis

So I’m loving the 10b example! This is exactly the kind of thing that @weefuzzy helped me with ages ago that would take some kind of centile, then a mean of that, etc… The new approach works worlds better though.

I’ve gone and made a reduced version of the patch to test this with a bunch of sounds that I think are problematic.

First, a couple of questions/thoughts.


Is the idea with this ‘newschool’ approach of removing entries via fluid.bufthresh~ that when you have a descriptor space, you literally ignore queries that check for pitch if there is no valid entry?

I’ll rephrase that as an example. Say I have a corpus of sounds, and 10% of them have no valid pitch data (via getting zeroed out by fluid.bufthresh~ when creating a fluid.dataset~). I am now feeding it live audio and want to query based on loudness, timbre, and pitch. Will all the ones with no pitch data get completely ignored?

Similar question for the input side. Say my input frame has no valid pitch data, but everything in my corpus does. Will that return no data?

(Obviously code is code, and one can make these decisions, I’m just generally asking about the paradigm/intention of having intentionally malformed entries)


The reason I’m asking is because with some of my examples (code and audio below), there isn’t great pitch data, but sometimes there still is pitch data. So I was thinking of taking stats for the confidence and finding the max of that, and then adjusting threshold based on that (and perhaps std). So basically trying to get the “best” pitch information out of that frame.

Where I can see this being problematic is the “best pitch” for that segment may actually be shit as compared to another entry in a dataset which may have the same final number(s).

Perhaps a solution to this would be having a summary confidence statistic. A straight mean would be shit for lots of reasons, but perhaps something like what % of the length is above the given threshold. If it’s 5% (or 0.05) then I know that even though I have the most representative pitch from that sample, I have a low confidence that it is in fact that pitch.

This confidence-confidence (would that be a derivative of confidence, or is that specifically limited to change-over-time) would be a metadata-esque value that can be used in the query but not in an LPT descriptor space.


This one is a more technical question.


I’ve gotten mixed results with this so far, so I’m thinking it might be an even/odd harmonic thing as some of the metal sounds I’m testing with have funky harmonic structures.

I guess this comes down to the underlying algorithm, but when averaged over time, or more specifically, when taking confidence as a weighting factor, it may decide that what it hears as a harmonic is more confidently heard than a fundamental. So almost the opposite problem that could arise if doing loudness-weighted pitch analysis.

A similar thing would potentially be the case if there are multiple pitches (or a gliss?) within the analysis window. The confidence may be high for many of those pitches, and a mean may produce a…well, mean value which may not actually be in the set of pitches.

For all my tested in my example I’m using median to hopefully mitigate against that, but the problem still stands.

So is there a way to perhaps balance loudness and confidence to get at the fundamental?

Or perhaps does the YIN (or other?) algorithms spit out a list of harmonic peaks, and then that could be weighed in together with the harmonics.


Ok, enough chat. Here’s the code example:


And here are a handful of files that I’ve picked that show off different problems I’ve talked about.

examples.zip (856.3 KB)

My pleasure.

I don’t know… We are now doing research. You and me included. What we care about, when, is what we are trying to empower creative coders with. @weefuzzy and @groma made us amazing tools to try all of that, but since ‘It depends™’ all the time, now you can decide how much depends on you :slight_smile:

Now, this is fun. Maybe you care about this more than your think (so sieve first with nearest pitch a subset). Or maybe it is just one of many (keep it in the kdtree)

This is what I was saying in the other thread. This is where your judgement and the flexibility of the tools allow you to customise the interaction and the search. There arre, sadly, no machine remotely doing situated Rod listening…

I’ll read more tomorrow, this is my bed time, but this is the overview answer. Keep on digging. Once you find something that works for you I’m sure it won’t work for anyone else, but the process will teach many a lot on how to bend machine listening and learning to one’s musical obsessions… which is the whole agenda of FluCoMa.

More tomorrow, with the code. Now, dodo.

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So I’ve returned to this and tried doing the trick that @tremblap suggested by setting a different @low value for the stats, and while this works in some circumstances, it’s kind of random.

I think what’s kind of missing here, or what would be useful is to be able to calculate the mode of the remaining pitches, or a threshold around the mode.

At the moment, by brute force, whatever the mode is gets weighted more heavily in the mean and median, so that kind of happens, but it’s more a tangential relationship.

Take a file like this:
sine_high.wav.zip (2.4 MB)

It’s a sinewave that sits at a frequency for a while, then sweeps around a bit.

This gives me an analysis that looks like this:
Screenshot 2020-10-03 at 6.26.27 pm

Screenshot 2020-10-03 at 6.50.31 pm

In this circumstance, none of the available stats are correct (550Hz is correct). I can’t change around the centile values to get the correct value either. So for a circumstance like this, the mode would give me the correct value (or closer to it).

The median, in this circumstance, is closer, but I think that’s random chance as that happens to be closer to the point where I was oscillating above and below, and not with the fact that that pitch was the mode of this set.

So this is a kind of synthetic use case, where you have a segment that has high confidence across multiple analyzed pitches.

Here’s one of the examples I uploaded above, which has a different problem.

METAL RESONANCE HITS Soft attack PIPE 11 - 1751.wav.zip (61.6 KB)

This one looks like this:
Screenshot 2020-10-03 at 6.28.30 pm

Contrary to @tremblap assumption/suggestion, in this case the fundamental only comes becomes the louder point later on (the lowish notes halfway through).

What’s strange here though is that the lowest centile is much lower than the pitch:
Screenshot 2020-10-03 at 6.56.33 pm

I’ve not manually peek~'d through each entry to see, but I don’t know where that 87Hz is happening in this segment given the thresholding.

In this case the fundamental is 125Hz (ish) and the loudest/first harmonic is 387Hz (ish).

Because of the threshold (the default 0.8 from @tremblap’s patch), there isn’t a big pitch representation in the trimmed version. If I manually lower it to 0.5 I get this:
Screenshot 2020-10-03 at 6.59.19 pm

Better visual representation I think, but still equally wrong stats:
Screenshot 2020-10-03 at 6.59.17 pm

In a circumstance like this, some kind of auto-threshold might be useful where it takes the max confidence, the std of confidence, and guesstimates a threshold for that particular file/segment.

In this particular case, setting the @low centile to 20 does give me a closer (though not perfect) pitch if 396Hz, but that feels kind of accidental here.

So in a use case like this, having some combination of weightings that looks at confidence, perhaps mode (though I don’t think that would help with this example), and then maybe some kind of chroma weighting where if multiple pitches are detected that correspond to a harmonic series, you select the lowest (or predicted lowest) of that specific harmonic series. That wouldn’t work for inharmonic timbres of course, but one edge-case at a time…



Confidence-weighting is definitely useful, and significantly better than vanilla mean/median values. There are many (including most of my) use cases where mean/median/min values will rarely be correct. I have a feeling that for vanilla confidence weighing a mode of the remaining values may be more accurate (generally speaking) than mean/median, although they would be fairly related.

I don’t know if it’s possible to compute a mode of a buffer~, or a range around a mode without dumping everything out into zl-land and then back.

And for acoustic/harmonic sources, being able to further filter the pitches that make it past confidence weighting by either range (lowest pitch, but perhaps throwing away the lowest centiles) or more ideally having some way to parse harmonics/fundamentals mathematically.

I’m assuming you’re using ‘correct’, ‘wrong’ etc as shorthand for '(not) what Rod hears ’ rather than ‘this algorithm is demonstrably incorrect’?

Can you explain why 550Hz is the right answer here? Maybe we can find a way of getting closer

If I look at the lower end of this file in sonic visualizer, there are plenty of prominent peaks below 125 Hz, incl. a bit ~87Hz. Pitch estimators aren’t ears, by any stretch of the imagination (and how people resolve a sensation of pitch from inharmonic sounds is only sketchily understood in any case), so you might need to give it more to go on (e.g. constrain the pitch detection range)

There’s jit.hist but I don’t know how you’d deal with weighting.

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In general, I meant with “ears”, though in the case of the sine wave example (550Hz), correct=input. It’s obviously more subjective and perceptual with acoustic sounds.

I guess I meant having some more “vertical awareness” in the matter. For example, if I run that same audio file into sigmund~, I obviously get some wiggling around, but it hovers/finds 126Hz to be the fundamental. I don’t know the maths of what’s going on under the hood there, but I imagine it takes harmonics or at least octaves into account when determining what the fundamental is?

At the moment, using confidence weighting, it’s basically saying “I’m certain these pitches happened at some point in this file”, but there’s no way to figure out the relationship between them (harmonics) or make a meaningful(ish) (gu)estimate on what summary statistic would work best (mean/median/min/etc…).

Thanks for the mode thingy!

Testing it out on these sounds is interesting.

For the sine wave, I get 530Hz as the modal bin, which is slightly closer than 523, but not quite 550. That could be a bin width/resolution thing though.

Interestingly I get 390Hz for the metal sample (from my last post), which is a pretty prominent harmonic, so in that sense the mode picked out something more, um, “perceptually accurate” than the vanilla summary stats. This is without confidence weighting either.

Curious what you used here. I first used spectrumdraw~ as it was kind of hard to ‘unstick’ my ears from the harmonics, and that got me down to 125Hz. In checking again now in iZotope I can see the lowest harmonic is that 125Hz one:

I mean, I see some fuzzy stuff under that, but it doesn’t look like a harmonic of the sound, but rather noise/bin funny business.

But you said it moved around bit, yes? So the number of frames where it’s != 550Hz is presumably significant. If you want to privilege stability, I guess you need an additional feature based on the derivative of the pitch.

Because I’m looking at the low end of the spectrum, I cranked the fft size somewhat. The same would apply in RX (like if you turn on reassignment, multires, huge frequency overlap and all the other bells and whistles, you’ll start to see some detail down there).

That said, I would put too much stock in that as a precise or necessarily meaningful number. The min just means that there was a frame at some point that reported that (but it’s also not a coincidence that this happens to be 2X the bin spacing). The 0-centile isn’t affected by the weighting : it’s always the lowest value in the sample (ditto resp. 100-centile). However, all the other centiles are affected by weighting (hence it making a difference here).


  • Try stripping outliers in bufstats if you’re not
  • If you’re using 1024 win go bigger for more meaningful analysis in the low bins (126Hz is still only the 3rd bin)

Aggressive settings with your file:

Yeah, the overall amount of time it spends at 550Hz is less than half, but it is the single longest stretch of a consistent pitch.

Hmm, a derivative of the remaining bit would be handy. Perhaps finding a section with the lowest derivative could give similar results to finding the mode.

I had no idea about this stuff! Jesus:

I feel like I’m looking through the code in the Matrix or something. I’m so used to seeing these kinds of representations get blurrier the lower they go.

Yeah that definitely looks good. I still think there are cases where some kind of “vertical” awareness, or a way to parse through that information in a contextually-aware way would be useful, but this covers a lot of ground in terms of “finding the fundamental”.

I still need to strike a balance with this stuff as for my main analysis (256 samples), pitch is largely not present (in noisy percussive sounds) or when it is, given it’s only a few frames of analysis, it’s not terribly reliable.

Perhaps this will be useful in the predictive analysis “time travel” stuff where I have no pitch vector in the 256 sample analysis, but I include pitch in the 4410 predicted version.

Even then, for percussive-y sounds, I wouldn’t say that pitch is of equal significance as “timbre” or loudness.

this was the reasoning - @rodrigo.constanzo let’s not forget that what I say is always hypothesis and might lead nowhere, but I said that exploring weighed Q1 (25%) could be interesting if pitch confidence was thresholded.

Modes are problematic (like in chroma) because they imply classes and therefore quantization of the space… otherwise you will not get the correct values for certain.

that is what I have suggested in every of the past 3 meetings :wink:

As an “always” thing, yeah it’s not great. But at the moment, confidence as the only weighting is super quantized, just to “whatever pitches happen to happen inside the analysis window”. Having something that works off some kind of pitch structure would be useful, or, as I said above, something to be able to assess the pitches you are given from confidence weighting.

I don’t understand what you say here: it will always be ‘whatever happen to be in the window’ but in this case you can decide what is valid.

This is what threshold weighing on confidence does: if it has a pitch that is valid, it passes it. Whatever you want to find after that is yours to try. I told you there is nothing that will work all the time. Peaks will have to be thresholded, modes will have to be quantized, etc etc etc.

looking at the spectrograms above, I reckon you should analyse pitch with a high confidence thresh after the first 100ms.

more importantly, you should look at the pitch and confidence curve at scale - i would guess that you don’t get anything valid for at least that length.

As in, there is no way that I can think of to pick of the pitches that have a high confidence, what would be the right one. Unless I’m going to do it manually for each, but for that, I’ll just pull out a cycle~ and tune by ear. The idea would be to have it batch through things in a way that I personally couldn’t.

Like above, just running the audio through sigmund~ gives me something that is more perceptually correct (i.e. the fundamental). I think it can do this because it is looking at all the vertical frequencies and making a choice based on that. I’m guessing YIN is doing this too, but on a per-frame basis. The problem, that I’m trying to point out, is once you have separate “pitches”, that context is lost.

For this particular file, that’s definitely the case. But again, if I’m drilling into that detail, per-file, I can just do that manually. If I’m dealing with acoustic sounds, there will be some where the fundamental is louder at the start, some where its louder later, so I’m not certain that time segmenting it will be useful (across the board), in the same way that looking at the remaining frequencies “together” in a chroma-esque way might.

Obviously there is no one-size-fits-all, but trying to carve out a one-size-fits-best (for acoustic-y sounds) is what I’m after here.

yes, I prefer sigmund~ too for certain sounds. our yin implementation is better for other sounds. @groma knows that. so for now, you can run sigmund~ if it works better for you.

I like what I get from yin, and have switched all my other pitch tracking to it. I just mention that to point out that you can’t sigmund~ or ‘yin’ the results you get from confidence weighting. At that point you have “single pitches in space”, separate from their time.

If you could then re-yin the results of the confidence weighting, that would be cool! (e.g. filter pitches by confidence, and once you have that, run those pitches into yin and have it say “the fundamental, given these pitches, is x”).

what you propose is what both yin and sigmund do under the hood, differently, and both get different results in various cases where they are better than the other. (the search for peaks and try to find harmonic relations)

For missing fundamental stuff I also have better results with sigmund. for inharmonic, it’s 50/50. for harmonic, they are both good.


Except, you can’t do that when you have a buffer with isolated pitches, after being filtered by confidence.

Hmm, can you then, um, run the confidence-weighted buffer (with gaps and all in it) back into fluid.bufpitch~? I guess that may lead to weird values because of frames and incomplete frames. But that’s sort of what I’m suggesting. To be able to do “something like that”.

you can’t because both algo do some sort of time-series of peaks to estimate the most probable fundamental. you then get a single guess which is wrong except when it is right.

btw, I vaguely remembered a thread where you two @weefuzzy and @rodrigo.constanzo were looking for interpolated peaks in a series, some sort of js was pointed at for interpolating and peak finding, or did I dream that? Otherwise I’ll try to roll in a quadratic interpolation of spectra in js

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There was some stuff ages that @weefuzzy helped with that approximated some of this weighted stuff. I tried to find it when making this post, but I guess it’s just a single post in a perhaps tangential thread or something.

I was also thinking today of “double dipping” the weighting, where you weight by confidence first, to avoid problems like in your modular thing where the loudest bit has low confidence, but then apply a loudness weighting to things that pass the confidence weighting. So, in effect, you would have the loudest pitch where the confidence was high.

Wouldn’t solve the harmonics/fundamental problem, but it may be more perceptually meaningful than a straight mean/median (or any other centile), as those stats would be decoupled from loudness/perception.

It’s a bit of a brain twister (for me at least) to think about this. I guess the idea would be to analyze the segment for pitch/confidence, and loudness. You then threshold/trim by confidence, and then with what’s left, further threshold/trim by loudness? Maybe a logical function between the confidence and loudness? This is where I’m a bit lost, otherwise I’d build the thing.

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