Biasing a query

Right. It’s just visually confusing because there is no associated message that goes with them, and addrange 0 5 returns the data I want, but for visually confusing reasons (as in, it looks like it goes from 0 to 5, inclusively). I’ve mentioned this already, but this <dataset> <dataset> <number> <number> syntax is a lot more confusing overall.

I tried to make a dataset that would have around the amount of numbers I’d be dealing with in a realworld context. I can easily get up to 10k samples/grains/bits and 300 descriptors/stats is about par for the course these days. Granted my realworld numbers may be slightly smaller, but I wanted to test it with numbers greater than 100 entries and 5 features.

I perhaps wouldn’t need all the columns for each query type, specifically if each column corresponds with a different time series and I’m choosing between the initial 256samples, or the initial 4410 samples etc…, but if I have a single value in that column that could potentially update on every query, I’d have to do this process per query.

To further clarify. It wouldn’t always need to update ‘per query’, but if I’m doing the thing you (@tremblap) suggested ages ago, where I have a slower envelope follower going, and us that output of that weighted against the current analysis frame to decide how “long” (or higher ‘timeness’) a sample to play back, that means I would need to update things per query.