Chaining onset detectors (novelty -> ampslice)

In seeing that loads of people seem to like fluid.bufnoveltyslice~ (@tremblap in APT and @jamesbradbury in his ReaComa stuff), it got me wanting to figure something out where it would be more temporally accurate once it found where the general slices were.

I like the idea of slicing via novelty, but having such slop in terms of when the onset was detected kind of kills it for me.

So what this patch does is use fluid.bufnoveltyslice~ (straight from the help file) to find the windows where novelty happened. I then iterate over those indices using something more (temporally) accurate (fluid.bufampslice~).

The results with this simple test file are very promising!


At the moment it’s using some fairly generic settings for fluid.ampslice~, but these can conceivably fail to return a value within the window of fluid.bufnoveltyslice~. I thought about using @tremblap’s code which iterates over a threshold value with setTarget 1, so it will find the right setting to return a single slice within the novelty window, but wanted to post this proof of concept first.

There can also be types of material which would return a slice in terms of novelty, but can fail to have a useful amp-based threshold crossing (e.g. something with a soft/smooth attack), but for a lot of material something like this could work nicely.

I could see something like this being wrapped up in an abstraction as being very useful.

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You could also recursively slice with increasingly smaller hop sizes until it completely disintegrates!

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Actually could go proper recursive and have big outer level novelty stuff, then have those chunks segmented by smaller window novelty stuff, then use ampslice for the “actual” slices inside that.

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I’ve revisiting this ancient idea here (it’s been on my list for a while), particularly in the context of manually hunting for a zero-crossing post-amplitude-based onset detection (thread) with the idea to build a 3 layer offline onset detector.

  1. fluid.bufonsetslice~ (it seems like @metric 9 is most generic/useful here?)
  2. fluid.bufampslice~ based on the returned results of step 1 (if no onset is detected default to results from step 1)
  3. a faux @lookback crawling through n amount of samples before the onsets from step 2 to find a zero crossing

With that in mind, a few questions.


I guess the idea of using something other than fluid.bufampslice~ would be to catch onsets that aren’t amplitude based, so fluid.bufonsetslice~ seems like the idea choice. Is @metric 9 (RComplexDev) a good all-around choice?

It’s defined in the reference in a kind of reverse-chronological cascade of info:

6 = ‘6’
PhaseDev takes the past 2 frames, projects to the current, as anticipated if it was a steady state, then compute the sum of the differences, on which it thresholds (like Onsets phase)

8 = ‘8’
ComplexDev same as PhaseDev, but in the complex domain - the anticipated amp is considered steady, and the phase is projected, then a complex subtraction is done with the actual present frame. The sum of magnitudes is used to threshold (like Onsets complex)

9 = ‘9’
RComplexDev same as above, but rectified (like Onsets rcomplex)

I had a poke/test in the “parameter combinations” tab in the fluid.bufonsetslice~ helpfile and @metric 9 seemed to give the results that were most useful across the listed examples. That being said I don’t really understand the (technical) distinction between metrics 6/8/9.


The second question is about the cascading of time. So if I understand the way onsets are reported back from fluid.bufonsetslice~ given the temporal wiggle room of fft-based onset detection, the returned slices are quantized to the start of an fft window and the “real” onset occured at any point within that fft window.

So if I have a slice at sample 1000 and I have @fftsettings 1024 -1 -1 then the “real” onset would be anywhere between samples 1000 and 2024.

Is that correct? Or more specifically, does the hop not matter here? Like would it instead be anywhere inside the [window - hop] such that the “real” onset would be anywhere between samples 1000 and 1512 instead?

The reason this bit matters as it would define the @numframes that fluid.bufampslice~ will be checking for.


The third question is more a thinking-out-loud type thing. Once I have a returned slice that has either gone from fluid.bufonsetslice~fluid.bufampslice~ or just from fluid.bufonsetslice~ (if fluid.bufampslice~ fails to return a value), and I then want to look for a zero crossing ala @lookback in fluid.bufampgate~ (as discussed in this thread), would I search for a zero crossing before and after the detected onset?

Or rather, I’m currently thinking something like this, where the process would fork at the last step.

If [fluid.bufonsetslice~fluid.bufampslice~] returns a value, then search for a zero-crossing only before the detected onset as fluid.bufampslice~ is quite temporally accurate and I just want to add a kind of @lookback functionality to the detected onset position. In this case it would be a fairly small amount of samples (~16 samples).

If [fluid.bufonsetslice~fluid.bufampslice] then search for a zero-crossing only after the detected onset from fluid.bufonsetslice~ since it will, by definition, happen after that point. In this case it would also be a fairly large amount of samples (~256 samples) and then picking the latest position if multiple zero crossings are detected since the temporal slop here would be intrinsically higher.

Disappointed there isn’t a discourse badge for oldest bump as this is one of my time-travelliest ones!

Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 1.39.48 PM

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Is this solved? quick answers:

q1: I love 9 as it does - it does a prediction of the future (like 6) in the complex domain (like 8) (works well for pitch material more than noise) then it sums the differences with the actual future but considers downward distance as important as upwards. I presume the output of onsetfeatures would show you that, so if unclear, let me know and I can try to make a didactic example.

q2: for window - check the ‘where is my data’ example in the other thread. You are right in theory, but you forget the windowing. if your click is at sample 1001 for instance, it’ll be mostly silenced by the windowing in that frame…

q3: @a.harker had a good patch to hone in on an attack in a frame - that might be more efficient?

q4: (aka new badge for old bounce) feel free to propose one if you find one on :slight_smile:

Not really (more below).

Algorithm 9 does appear to be the most effective one across the board. Oddly enough on realtime audio I can never get it to work as well on varied material as I can with ampslice (even for non-drum sounds) but for offline stuff, it likely grabs more stuff than ampslice might on its own.

Having a more descriptive definition like this in the reference would be useful as algorithms 6-9 make little sense in terms of reading what it is doing.

I did implement all the bits I was working on here:

I forget the specifics of it, but I do a bunch of conditional stuff where I check either before and/or after the detected onset to refine the timing. Theoretically it’s a good idea and was working well for audio in which both onsets where found, but I started noticing that fluid.bufampslice~ would never find an onset within the prescribed window… (I had conditional stuff where if ampslice didn’t find anything, it would default to the bufonsetslice timing).

All of this has come to a standstill because of this:

At the moment, it’s actually possible to use fluild.bufampslice~ as I mention above as it doesn’t work at all if using a different @startframe and/or @numframes, and actually never picks up the first onset in a buffer regardless (if the onset is as near the start of the audio file).

Unless I do some really wonky workaround where I set “fake” @startframes thousands of samples before I’m actually interested in and fluid.bufcompose~ fake audio to the start of a buffer in order to catch the onsets there, I can’t actually do any of this.

As I mention in the other thread, I suspect the envelope followers are starting from negative infinity and take a really long time to catch up, meaning that it’s not useful for the start of buffers, and not useful for any small/medium size @numframes because the envelopes never get into useful range.

It could be something other than that, but it definitely appears to be in bug territory here.

it is on my radar. amongst many other things, obviously, so slow horizon.

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I have an external called something like “finesseslices” that is for my internal use - there are no current plans to make it public or do the work of documenting and supporting it. I don’t expect that would fit @rodrigo.constanzo’s aim to have currently supported minimal dependencies.

Can you (roughly) describe what/how you finessed it?

So far the look ahead/behind/contextual thing is working ok (on the few times it works with fluid.bufampslice~ at the moment). But would love to improve it if possible.

I can describe exactly how I finessed it in the form of the attached code - look at the slices() method. There are some very general comments, but the code is detailed. Any other answer will have to wait a while, as I have quite a bit on and I’ve not looked at this in quite some time.

finesseslices.txt (13.0 KB)

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For info it’s a cpp file, but I can’t attach them, so I changed the extension.

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